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Metal Gear

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Reviewed by Gabriel Iverson I was unfortunate enough to have been way behind the times. I didn't play this game until five or six years after it's release. Even then, I loved every minute that I was playing the game. It was a solid game with great graphics, the music was just awesome, and gameplay was the best I've seen.

Graphics: 8 out of 10

It is very hard for me to judge the graphics, because I haven't played very many NES games. Of the ones I did play, Metal Gear was one of the best. Granted, I did think the Zs were cigarette smoke, but nonetheless, graphics were very good for the NES. The cracks in the walls almost had me believing it was real cement. Okay, maybe not that great, but they were good.

Music and Sound: 10 out of 10

I've heard mixed reviews about Metal Gear's music, but I think it rocked, especially when the guards were alerted. You haven't heard great NES music till you've heard this. Inside the buildings are no different. As one reviewer mentioned, I could listen to it for hours and not get bored. As for the sound effects, the dogs barking could use a little work, as well as some gunshots, but for the NES I believe it's top rate.

Game Challenge: 9 out of 10

Once you can get through the initial screens, the game becomes slightly more easy. I never seemed to be able to run out of ammunition, and the guards weren't all that intelligent. The bosses weren't exceedingly difficult, and once you know what to do with Big Boss, he's a snap as well. I'm also very glad that you were actually able to fight Metal Gear in Metal Gear Solid. I'm sorry, but placing a bunch of explosives on a computer screen? And you can't get hurt by your own explosives, so that part was, well, let's just say if I was a guard, I'd be falling asleep too.

Game Play-Fun: 10 out of 10

As I said a minute ago, once your beyond the fist-fighting, and actually have a weapon in your hands, the game is a lot of fun. I think that it brought a lot of new ideas to the gaming world, and good ideas, too. Mainly, the stealth element. Metal Gear was the first game to bring stealth into gameplay, and it's still making advances in this field. Syphon Filter was a challenge to the Metal Gear series, but a lot of it was copying Metal Gear Solid. I mean, the fight with the chopper on the roof? Didn't Solid Snake do something very similar? Hmmm. There was also a radio dish involved, wasn't there?


There are a few annoyances in the gameplay though. First of all, attempting to find the correct card key with a Ninja bearing down on your #$%* is one of the things that wake you up in the middle of the night with a cold sweat. The fun really begins when you have all but one card, and the door your standing in front of needs the one card you don't have. So there sits poor Snake, whipping out card after card with no avail. Many games have been quickly aborted when you get to the end of your cards, and the stupid door still won't open. I can just picture Snake ankle deep in card keys, a dent in the door in front of him, a single tear rolling down his cheek as he pulls out his gun and ends his tiresome career. Second is the fact that the guards return when you leave a room. Nothing is worse than clearing out a room, leaving, then realizing you forgot to check out the door. Reluctantly, you must return to the room, kill everyone all over again, then look behind the door.

Replayability: 8 out of 10

Once you get through the game for the first time, you always want to go back and see if you missed anything, maybe try a different tactic on a particular boss, or maybe radio everyone at every situation to see what happens. Just a hint; radio Big Boss every time you pick up a weapon or an item. Some responses are very informative, while others are completely useless. Some, and I won't tell you which ones, are a little humorous, and not because of bad translating. There's also the fact that the game is so short, that it is impossible to get your fill in one try. you may not play it again immediately, but eventually, it might be years, weeks, or even days, but something will nag in your mind, and soon you will be planted in front of your TV screen once again, flicking the buttons, putting Solid Snake through his paces.

Game Value: 10 out of 10

This game is very much worth the price now, and I'm sure it was back then. Now the game only costs around five dollars or less. How can you go wrong with five bucks? You can't, and you certainly won't with Metal Gear.

Overall: 9.5 out of 10

Other than a few annoyances, this is a great title, one which I will never get rid of, and you shouldn't either. I can guarantee you'll want to play the game more than once.

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