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Metal Gear

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Reviewed by Behnam Nowrouzi If you have played Snake's Revenge or the famous Metal Gear Solid, they make inferences towards this game. This game sets up the next two games. Very funny at times because of poor translations Metal Gear will prove to you to be one of the best NES games ever.

Graphics 9 out of 10

I am not saying this is any comparison to a N64 game. I am not even saying it's close to Super Nintendo game. I am intending that this is a marvel of 8 bit technology. The background is great and the scenery is good for the NES. The only thing that brings this game down is clarity. It loses some edge to some other classics such as Super Mario Bros. 3.

Music and Sound 6 out of 10

This game's music is limited. it differs from location but the main espionage theme is maintained throughout most of the game. The theme itself isn't bad though.

Game Challenge 10 out of 10

You will see this game is probably one of the most challenging games you will find for the NES system. The locations are hard. The situations are tense. Most of all the handicap is amazing. You will start off with no weapons and a base to take over. The mission is very attainable but you won't beat it overnight or not even a month. The enemies and the cameras just add more confusion as the game continues. There are even twisted plots and other surprising stuff. The end boss is also very hard. you will have to be lucky to beat him. The game genie will ruin the challenge so I recommend don't use it.

Game Play-Fun 9 out of 10

This is a great game mostly because of the espionage feel. You will see that the situations become more tense as the game progresses. It is also very challenging, one cannot breeze through this one.

Replayability 5 out of 10

There is not much replayability because the same mission is ahead of you every time. The only reason I would suggest one would play the game again is too find the missing items missed the first time.

Game Value 10 out of 10

It is worth the price today. It's like a 5 dollars in stores and the Nintendo system is no more than 15 dollars. You will love this game and once you are done your pocket will still contain some money.

Frustration 7 out of 10

There are frustrating areas. This is mostly caused by the fact if you move out of the background and reenter it the enemies will come back again. Some instances you'll need to come back and if you low energy it could mean game over. One could say this adds to the challenge. oh yeah you can't save your game by the way.

Humor 10 out of 10

The translations will make you laugh at some points throughout the game. Such as "I feel sleepy", "I feel asleep", "Oh oh the trucks have started to move". This may not seem funny to you now but you will laugh if you play it.

Overall 9 out of 10

Being the first game to introduce different types of the same weapon has really earned the spot on the classics shelf.

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