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Metal Gear 2 Snake's Revenge

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Reviewed by Zac Well..there is tons and tons of things (all good) i can say about the Metal Gear Series (Metal Gear, Snake's Revenge, Metal Gear Soldi)! I have never played Metal Gear, so I am not totally familiar with the plot of it. I have tried to read up on it, but haven't had great luck. Well my brother got snakes revenge when I was like five years old. I looked through the booklet and thought the game was cool just cuz it had really neat looking guns in it! Then I sold the game, or some little bastard stole it, I don't know. I then thought about the game one day and almost couldn't remember the name of it. I was looking through some discount games at a local video store that was closing down, and found it for nine bucks. and older friend/male babysitter helped me beat it. We sat down and beat it in one night.

Graphics 9 out of 10

The graphics were very good for a game then. The stages had a great overhead view, especially the one that was like in a dessert. The people look pretty good, the enemies actions are not too predictable. Nothing compares to the latest in the sequel (metal gear solid) but this one is damn good.

Music and Sound 9 out of 10

Well I can't pop it out and listen to it because right now I don't have my NES, please don't send me threatening e-mails because I sold it, but I really wanted a the music. From what I remember didn't get too annoying, and the sound was pretty good, and gunshots and stuff were pretty well.

Game Challenge 10 out of 10

I couldn't figure out what to do myself, so i had to get help. the game was very difficult, I am not gunna lie, but it was all definitely worth it! I mean that too, you get to find out more info on big boss (your war-hero dad). I love the plot of the series. the game is tough to find all stuff, but it is really nice how it makes you find things, and how they all come into use, it doesn't make you find stuff that you never have to use. It also uses the aspect of sneak attacks, like if you don't have the silenced guns, you are looking for a battle if you fire upon enemies.

Game Play-Fun 11 out of 10

Every once in a while i give a game one point higher then the max. the game play gets this special award. It is incredible..I didn't fully appreciate it until I beat MGS. which I have since beat several times. it is fun, I wrote about it more in the introduction/briefing.


It was kind of frustrating..to be honest. i couldn't do it alone. I got help, and now I could beat it by my self, but not alone. It would help if you had someone help you that know what was going on. It is real hard to find some of the items you need. It takes a lot of exploring, some of which is very risky because of the enemies.

Replayability 9 out of 10

I would love to take it out now and start playing..but I can't cuz I don't have the game...or the NES. but..if you had a hell of a time the first time beating it, then you might wanna sell it afterwards, but don't because you will eventually wanna dig it out and replay the the game just so you can here the plot again with big boss and such.

Game Value

I think the game would be worth ten bucks..or so, I would pay ten bucks. to someone that has never beat it, or played it, fifteen isn't way out of line. The game is definitely worth playing, especially now since video games for the NES are really cheap.

Overall 11 out of 10

I can't stress enough how good this plot is, I would elaborate, but I don't like to ruin it for people, a definite winner for the NES. It is worth the hours, days, weeks, or whatever time you have to spend on it. I would love to watch some one beat it for the first time, just to see there eyes light up as the watch the plot unfold and grow. This is the very best of plots for a series of games that I have ever played/seen.

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