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Mega Man 2

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Reviewed by Steve S. In 1987, Capcom released its first Mega Man title for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The game featured a wild action-packed adventure starring a cute blue robot called Mega Man who must destroy the evil Dr. Wily and his six cronies: Fire Man, Ice Man, Bomb Man, Elec Man, Cut Man, and Guts Man. However, this premiere game lacked a lot of things--the password function, for one. Now, its sequel, Mega Man II, released in 1989, has everything that its predecessor lacked! This time there are eight bosses to conquer, and a huge castle, built by Dr. Wily himself, to destroy. And this time, there is a password function, so you don't need to sit down for two hours just to get through the game!

Graphics: 10 out of 10

Just like any other Capcom game of the late 80's, Mega Man II has very impressive visuals. The backgrounds are fully detailed, the colors are nice and bright, and the animation is smooth. There are no screw-ups at all in this game's graphics!

Music and Sound: 10 out of 10

I must say, Mega Man II contains some of the best songs I have ever heard from any video game in my life. Especially impressive is the stellar soundtrack in the first two levels of Wily's Fortress! It is quite safe to say that you will hum this game's tunes for a long time! The sound effects leave nothing to be desired. Every single little blip and beep is done well, suiting the game perfectly. Even the sound Mega Man makes whenever he lands sounds right. I would change nothing in this game's sound department.

Game Challenge: 7 out of 10

Now, I've gotten to the point where I can beat this game with my eyes closed, because I've had it for nine years. I've beaten every Mega Man game I own, and I have to say that they're just a little bit too easy. After playing it for awhile, it gets way too simple, and you just beat every boss and conquer every level without losing a life. If there are any hard parts, they aren't difficult, they're just plain frustrating, particularly the first fortress boss. Sorry guys, but I've gotta rate this one kinda low.

Game Play-Fun: 8 out of 10

You will greatly enjoy playing this game, but the fun is limited only to the first few times through. After seeing everything and beating the game thirty times, it gets boring, just like any game does. You will, however, have a great time playing it your first two or three times through it. It's a very fun game and is a blast to play!


Urrrgh! There are too many frustrating points in this game to mention. For one, I don't know how many jumps I've been knocked out of by flying enemies, making me fall to my death. You all know what I'm talking about, too. Also, some of the bosses are just merciless at first, and it's nearly impossible to hit them, like Air Man.

Overall: 10 out of 10

I love playing this game, even nine years after I beat it for the first time. It is a total blast to play, just like every other Mega Man game. Even though it is lacking in a couple of categories, it still deserves a perfect score, because it's a hugely popular game, possibly the best of the six on the NES. You will probably never get tired of it.

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