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Lunar Pool

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Reviewed by Ty Massei

Graphics: 2.5 out of 10 Sound: 3 out of 10 Gameplay: 3 out of 10 Hardness factor: 5 out of 10 Overall: 3 out of 10

Graphics: The graphics in this game were very poor. The color scheme is off in the beginning of the game, but it's just very bland once you start playing. While I realize there isn't a lot you can do with pool, they should have at least tried something different. Needless to say, there really isn't too much detail in this game. Sound: The music in this game is pretty bland. After a while, it even gets annoying, but usually it just doesn't set up a theme and isn't worth listening to. Sound effects were also just boring. Gameplay: Pool in its most basic form. If you've never played pool, you must hit balls into holes. If you get more balls in than the other player (CPU or 2nd player) than you win (there are different rules for real pool, but that's it for this game). Anyway, there is also a one-player game you can play, that's a lot like most miniature golf games made. You have a certain number of tries to get one ball in a hole and if you do, the number resets and you keep doing that until you win the level. If you don't, you just lose one of the three tries you have left. This game was really boring and simplistic. They might as well just made a miniature golf game. Controls are pretty good in this game, which is pretty nice. Hardness factor: This game was about as hard as a normal NES game. I'm usually great at computer pool games and I just whizzed past this game. Therefore, I think it's about average. The physics are lighter than real pool, which makes the game even easier. Overall: 3 out of 10. This game is very basic. You really can't get any more basic in a pool game than this unless you really tried. Real pool is a lot more fun anyway.

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