Legendary Wings
Reviewed by Ty Massei
Graphics: 4 out of 10
Sound: 4 out of 10
Gameplay: 4 out of 10
Hardness factor: 6 out of 10
Overall: 4 out of 10
Graphics: I didn't think the graphics were all that bad for this game, just
basic. While some of the enemies are definitely original, they just don't
stand out very much. They should have used a richer and more outstanding
color scheme in this game since it would have definitely added to the
overall experience.
Sound: The music in this game was also just a little bit too basic. The
songs weren't that great (some of them were a little annoying) but it was
basically just the sound quality. These also didn't jump out from the game.
Gameplay: Another SHMUP (Spaceshooter, like Gradius or R-Type) that's
a lot like 1964. Half of the game is in an overhead view and half of it is
just like your average SHMUP, in a side view. Anyway, you play as this bird
guy and go around killing enemies on the lower platform with A and the ones
that are equal in height to you with the A button. Anyway, this game is
pretty dull. There wasn't anything original in this game. Even the powerups
were unspectacular and unoriginal, like double shots and a longer beam.
Another thing I really didn't like about this game was that the controls
were really bad.
Hardness factor: This game was kind of hard. There are usually a lot of
enemies on the field that fire quickly, but you move slowly and your
bullets move even slower. Also, once you get hit all of the powerups
you had collected before are now gone.
Overall: 4 out of 10. This game was okay, but it just didn't stand out
from other games. I don't think I'd recommend this game to anyone.