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Legacy of the Wizard

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Reviewed by SizzleSword Legacy of the Wizard was ahead of it's time. The graphics were good, and the music and sound was good, even the controls are good. This game scares me though... It seems like it's something from another country, and it gives me the chills. The game is mostly made up of puzzles, and there are LOTS of enemies. The game is easy to understand. A family finds out that there is a Dragon about to be brought back to life in the HUGE dungeon underground, and you'll have to take each member of the family down in the dungeon and find a crown with each one of them. There are different items to use to do certain things in the dungeon, and each character has at least one special ability. For example, there is an item that allows the mother to fly, an item that allows the father to break stones, and an item that allows the daughter to jump really high. You'll need to use everyone's ability to get certain places, and you'll have to start this game over many times.

Graphics 10 out of 10

The graphics of this game, like I said, are or was ahead of it's time. There's lots of detail on everything, and each screen in the dungeon looks completely different. You shouldn't be unsatisfied with the graphics in this game, considering the time that it was made.

Music and Sound 9 out of 10

There are many different songs or themes in the dungeon, and each one goes with the background or situation well. You'll notice the music change to a faster beat/different, faster song when you're in a room with lot of enemies moving around very fast. The music and sounds are good, at that. I wouldn't say that they're really ahead of their time, but they are good.

Game Challenge 10 out of 10

This game is HARD, and will take at least a month to get passed. There's so many parts of the dungeon that it's not even funny, and you'll get trapped, and have to warp to the overworld and have to start over again. And since all of the game is in the dungeon, it's always going to be REALLY hard. The enemies themselves aren't hard, nor do they take away lots of damage (you have a HUGE life and magic bar). The thing that makes this game hard is moving rocks, finding secret openings, and defeating enemies to get gold and keys to stay at the inn, buy things from the shops, and open doors.

Game Play-Fun 8 out of 10

Since this game is hard, it gets pretty boring after you've been trying to get passed one puzzle for about a day. If you're good with puzzles, and you get through them fast, there's another one about every 5 screens, so you'll be kept busy. Another thing that makes this game lame for some people is the password function. It's about a 32-letter password, and you'll be writing passwords down each time you quit.

Replayability 7 out of 10

People really start to lose interest in this game when they can't get past a puzzle, but I liked it since there were so many items and things to find out. The puzzles did make me mad often, but I always found out a way to get past them. If you like puzzle/adventure games, this one will be great for you. Another thing that's good is the RPG-like things that are in this game. There is gold, inns, and shops to buy things at, so RPG/Adventure/Puzzle lovers will find this game pretty great.

Game Value 10 out of 10

I bought this game for ¢99 at Funcoland, and I'm glad that I did it. A game this big should cost at least 5 bucks. If you ever find this game somewhere for a really cheap price, you should get it (it's rare, and cheap). This game will keep you satisfied for the price.

Overall 9 out of 10

This game is well worth the price, and should keep you playing it for a long time. If you have this game and it scares you too, give me an e-mail. I might be the only person in city that I live in that has or played this game, since none of my friends or relatives have ever heard of it. Another game that's strange is Rygar.

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