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Jurassic Park

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Reviewed by Ty Massei

Graphics: 6.5 out of 10 Sound: 4 out of 10 Gameplay: 5 out of 10 Hardness factor: 6 out of 10 Overall: 5 out of 10

Graphics: The graphics in this game were actually pretty good. There was a significant amount of detail in this game and the color scheme was pretty good (except for the blue doors). Also, the dinosaurs look very original, which is kind of cool. Sound: The music was just a little bit below average. While the music's quality was pretty high, the songs just weren't that good. I haven't seen the movie in a while, but I'm almost positive that they didn't add the music from the movie into this game. Gameplay: This game was interesting, though it got boring after the first level. Anyway, the game is a platformer in an overhead view. You play as this guy and you walk around shooting dinosaurs and finding keys. Also, you must pick up a certain amount of eggs so you can get a key and open up even more of those blue doors. The game gets boring, but it's pretty cool at first. Anyway, you also can collect different bazooka weapons to use against the dinosaurs. The controls were actually pretty good in this game. Hardness factor: This game was a little harder than most games, but not by much. One thing that made this game harder than it should have been is the speed of the character you play is. Also, once you run out of ammo you can't attack the dinosaurs in any way. Overall: 5 out of 10. This game was okay, but I would have proffered some more original aspects in it. I don't recommend it for that reason. You might want to get the SNES version though; it's a bit better.

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