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Reviewed by Bill O'Toole III

Graphics: 7

Granted, the graphics in Infiltrator aren't bad (too bad the rest of the game is), but there is room for improvement. In the helicopter, the graphics are OK but you get no sense of movement at all. On the ground, the far away view while outside is actually very good but while inside the view changes to close up. This view is not as good as the characters look kinda goofy at a close range.

Sound: 4

No music! There are some chopper effects and sound effects while on the ground, but they're not great. You'll probably get pretty bored of the pretty lame sound effects after awhile.

Play Control: 3

Horrible. It took me an hour just to figure out how to fly the chopper and even then I couldn't even shoot one plane down. The ground controls with your soldier is mediocre at best, especially while in buildings. BTW, if you've mastered the helicopter controls, you're a far better game player than I.

Fun: 1.5

Pretty dumb! This game contains frustration beyond belief. Good luck on figuring out the helicopter stages! They are impossible! As for the ground levels, you don't even have a gun! How could you have a military infiltration game without some sort of silenced gun?? Metal Gear had a few of them! I think that Mindscape aimed to make the most frustrating, boring game that they possibly could.

Challenge: 10

This game is downright impossible. Even Ghosts N Goblins looks easy next to this. What was Mindscape trying to do with those helicopter levels? Kill gamers by frustration? And while trying to infiltrate the bases, all you have is stuff like gas and bombs. I've said it before, but no guns! NO GUNS! This game is SO off base. Hell, the only reason I even saw the ground levels was because of the stage select code!

Replay Value: .5

I got this game for $3 at VGE a couple months ago and I played it ONCE. Just once. I haven't touched the game since. You'd be crazy if you played this game more than once. It is insanely hard and it is very unrewarding in game play.

Overall: 2.5

The ideas behind this game are very good. I was searching for this game for a long time because it sounded really cool. Well, imagine my disappointment when I started playing. I don't know how Mindscape could take such a cool game idea (infiltration) and mess it up so badly. They had really good ideas, but the game itself just falls flat on its face. If you're a die-hard NES fan, maybe you should pick this one up to see how good it COULD have been.

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