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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

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Reviewed by Ty Massei

Graphics: 2 out of 10 Sound: 3 out of 10 Gameplay: 5 out of 10 Hardness factor: 6 out of 10 Overall: 4.5 out of 10

Graphics: The graphics are really poor. The color scheme is way off, the design of objects in this game is sub par, and the graphical quality is definitely on the poor side. One of the poorer looking games for the NES. I'd expect these graphics on a Commodore. Sound: The music in this game is okay. It sets up the theme pretty well (some levels more than others) but the quality is, once again, below average. There really aren't a ton of sound effects in this game either. Gameplay: Just another sidescroller. In this Indiana Jones game, you play as Indiana Jones and you must find children and items that are scattered around the level. You can run around, jump, and whip (getting rid of enemies and swinging around) to get around. Unfortunately, besides a few overused video game gimmicks, there isn't anything neat after the first few levels of this game. Controls aren't the best ever, but they are adequate for this game. Hardness factor: Sometimes you might slip off a ledge on accident or miss a pole. It just happens. There really isn't anything else about this game that is that hard. Overall: 4.5 out of 10. While a little better than the other Indiana Jones game, this one is still just a little bit below average. Even if they upgraded everything else about this game besides gameplay, I'd still only give it a normal score. There's nothing original about this game.

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