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The Great Waldo Search

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Reviewed by Ty Massei

Graphics: 2 out of 10 Sound: 1 out of 10 Gameplay: 1 out of 10 Hardness factor: 8 out of 10 Overall: 1 out of 10

Graphics: There are some really bad graphics in this game. It's not that there isn't any detail in the game or that the colors are bad, it's just that the graphics are blurry and you're supposed to find a guy in this game. Sound: Music is bad. It probably has some of the worst music for a NES game. Also, the sound effects are pretty nonexistent, and they are annoying too if you have the sound turned up. Gameplay: Based on the Where's Waldo books, you try to find Waldo. Unfortunately, due to the bad graphics, Waldo is hard to spot since he looks exactly the same as some other people. Also, sometimes it will just be his head, but his head looks exactly like the other people (I know that's the point, but you have to play this game to understand just what they did). Other levels include a cruddy connect the pipe game, and find a guy in the dark. Definitely not fun. Just go buy the book. Hardness factor: Due to graphical problems, pretty hard. Overall: 1 out of 10. I definitely don't recommend this game. The only guy that borrowed this game from me gave it back the next day and definitely showed his disgust in it.

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