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Duck Tales

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Reviewed by Derek Marquart ~Life is like a hurricane, here in Duckberg~ Ahh, I still remember the days of rushing home from school to get home in time to see the show from Disney called Duck Tales. Then when I had seen most of the series I heard they made a video game out of it. I immediately went out and rented it and played it non-stop for the next three days. This game is great for all those kids my age who remember that old show, but also for kids younger and have never seen the show, for it is a self-explanatory game and doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out. Either way, the game makes a great pass time for boring weekends.

Graphics 5 out of 10

It doesn't have the best graphics I have ever seen in an NES game but it does have a few surprises. When ever Scrooge McDuck leans over to hit a stone with his cane like a golf ball, you can see his tail feathers wiggle as if he is concentrating. Most enemies just are fairly simplistic with one or two poses for walking, but the bosses have a few more and were really nasty looking sometimes too.

Music and Sound 7 out of 10

Each level had its own theme and you could immediately tell what level someone was on because of the sound. If you were on the moon, you could tell it a room away because the music it played reminded you of outer space and aliens. My little brother also like the sounds because it had the Duck Tales theme and he would leave it sit there for hours and just listen too the theme. A lot of the SFX were simplistic, but what do you expect from a Disney game?

Game Challenge 4 out of 10

Where as younger players may find the jumps and enemies hard to fight against, older players could beat the game in maybe and hour or two. As I said before, this game is a good one to play if you would just like to waste time on a boring Saturday afternoon, or like me, on a summer day when there is nothing to do around the house.

Game Play-Fun 9 out of 10

The sheer fact that the point of the game is to collect as much money as possible is amazing. You have to collect at least 1 million dollars to win, but the more money you make, the more the sense of dominance over the game you get. Also when you win, Scrooge McDuck's name is put in the paper and the total amount of money you made is also put there, which makes the game a little funnier. You can also go back and re-visit levels if you get REALLY bored or you want to break 2 million dollars. Most fans will find the game a real treat.


Some levels seem impossible to beat, from anywhere to a boss that keeps kicking your butt, to a jump you never can quite make..

Replayability 6 out of 10

As I have said do many time that your a probably ready to shoot me, the game is good to waste time, not much else.

Game Value 10 out of 10

The game was fairly cheap, being Disney, and it is mot made anymore (current date 07-23-98). If you have this game, Congratulations, you own a game that kept me happy for a long time. I also recommend getting the Sequel, Duck Tales 2 (hey, how many Disney games do you know that get a sequel?)

Overall 41 out of 60

Good weekend game (again). Geared toward young audiences, but a good game. It got a sequel, which meant it must have been a preety popular game, since i never saw a Mickey Mouscapade 2 or an Alladin 2.

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