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Double Dragon

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Reviewed by Brian Mulholland Double Dragon is one of (if not THE) best of the side-scrolling fighting games for the 8 bit NES. It's certainly a quality game based off of a quality arcade game.

Graphics 9 out of 10

These are about as good as 8 bit graphics get. Some games managed to get glitzier graphics packed into 8 bits, but they usually end up maiming their games in the process. Double Dragon's graphics were sensational for their time.

Music and Sound 9 out of 10

Double Dragon is one of the very few NES games I've played where I can say the music is actually GOOD. Usually the best I can say about NES musical accompaniment is that it's inoffensive and doesn't get in the way. Sometimes you can say the tunes are catchy if repetitive. Double Dragon puts enough variety and enough quality tunes that you have to say the music is one of the many strengths of the game. Effects wise Double Dragon is less distinguished. The punches don't sound bad but Double Dragon re-uses the heck out of most of their effects, and many of them don't sound like anything.

Game Challenge 7 out of 10

If this game has a weakness it's that it's to short. You'll breeze through the first couple levels so easily that the only time you're truly challenged is the occasional threat of falling (or being knocked) off a cliff into spikes or other instant deaths. While you're still getting used to the game the final level can be pretty fatal, particularly the marathon of bad guys that come at you in the carpet room. But eventually you will get good enough at dispatching these baddies without taking damage that you will make it through. The game needs at least two more levels of similar challenge in order to reach the promise set by the rest of the game.

Game Play-Fun 9 out of 10

The game is legitimately enjoyable although a tandem mode would have been appreciated. The 2 player mode can leave the weaker player very much bored while the stronger player sails through levels. The diverse ways you can kill opponents keeps the game interesting as you storm through the baddies.


There's a spot or two particularly in the cave where you might hit some trouble points where you're constantly falling to your death, but it's just learning patterns of when you should jump and when you shouldn't. If you find yourself being unable to get by a certain point you're probably doing something wrong.

Replayability 8 out of 10

I can pull this baby out every so often and have a nice hour or two of fun. The game is legitimately enjoyable, although the lack of challenge means you probably can't play it over and over for long stretches.

Game Value 9 out of 10

Given that feeble games are often going for ten bucks, Double Dragon is legitimately worth almost that. There are so many really bad games out there that Double Dragon looks like a good value even if it costs a little bit.

Overall 9 out of 10

Buy it. This is one of 8 Bit NES's shining stars with good sound, graphics and game play. Okay so it's not a terribly challenging game once you've mastered it, but everything else is four stars in this game.

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