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Double Dragon 3: The Arcade Game

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Reviewed by Ty Massei

Graphics: 4 out of 10 Sound: 3 out of 10 Gameplay: 3 out of 10 Hardness factor: 7 out of 10 Overall: 3 out of 10

Graphics: The graphics are actually quite good – in detail. However, when people move, they are incredibly jerky and it's incredibly annoying. Enemies don't even look like they came from the Double Dragon Games. Sound: The music is pretty bad, though understandable for the gameboy. I haven't played a lot of the gameboy (well, at least not often enough to remember all the games I played) but I believe the music and sound effects were too weak. Gameplay: The worst Double Dragon game for a Nintendo system, since it's a 'port' of the horrible arcade version. Controls are bad, the dynamics are either have been done before or uninteresting, and the story line is also not that great. Hardness factor: Definitely hard, since the frame rate is very low and the controls are hard to get used to. Enemies are also pretty hard; especially when there are more than one on the screen. Overall: 3 out of 10. Okay graphics, low frame-rate, bad sound, and they even missed the gameplay. This is barely even considered a Double Dragon game.

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