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Double Dragon 3: The Sacred Stones

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Reviewed by Pyroanoid@aol.com Double Dragon 3 was the start of the unfortunate downward spiral of the series. One of the worst games I have had the "honor" to play. Features 2 Player simultaneous play Up to four playable characters High Points ....umm, you don't have to play it Low Points ....I did Review First off, I DID enjoy this game when I first got it. Although only for five minutes, I did enjoy those 5 minutes. Now I have played some BAD games in my gaming life, but many pale in comparison to how utterly horrible and nauseating Double Dragon 3: The Sacred Stone is. Its hard to actually write a constructive review on such a bad game without going overboard, but fortunately, its a short review of Double Dragon 3's shortcomings. Words are not a true means of expressing how much I *hate* this game. From top to bottom, its one of the ugliest NES games to have ever been inserted into someone's game collection! Uninspiring character graphics, coupled with some awful scenery makes Double Dragon 3 look like something out of a just used pooper scooper. The sound, although average in the effects department, reek! The music is beyond annoying! I recommend when trying this garbage, turn the sound off....better yet, don't even insert the game into the deck! The controls are a cross between using your controller with your feet while under a load of mud, making important end game jumps are near impossible, leading to frustrating crucial end game deaths! The problem with the jumping is that when you press B + A to jump, a slight delay is in affect, then using the cross-pad to move the jumping character, another delay is in affect. Punching and kicking also have slight delays between pressing the button and initiating the attack. The usage of sub weapons by your characters is not only useless, but pointless! Why have metal claws when you are restricted to about twenty swings? Its like Final Fight's infamous weapons that hop out of your hands and spin into invisibility! A Tyrannical Opinion.... Folks, I know some of you might been too young to remember the good old NES, but take it from me, this is one of the worst games to have ever come out of the 700+ releases during Nintendo's 10+ years on the market. If you are into collecting NES, either steer clear of Double Dragon 3 or buy it if its less than a penny and take a sledge hammer to it like there was no tomorrow! But I do not advise either method.

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