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Double Dragon 3: The Sacred Stones

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Reviewed by Andy Krajewski This game was the final Double Dragon of the series, a game that probably had a lot of work put into it. Read on to find out if this game lives up to the other Double Dragons...

Graphics 8 out of 10

If there is one thing from this game that sets it apart from the other games in the series it's graphics. This game has wonderful graphics for its time. The graphics are a big step from Double Dragon 2. Now, instead of a virtually blank background, there are great backgrounds. Such as the first level, with the city in the background. A lot of detail here.

Music and Sound 8 out of 10

The music in this game is outstanding and memorable. The music fits the mood of the level. Great music. Now as far as the sound effects go, they are all pretty good. You can tell what the punches are and so forth.

Game Challenge 9 out of 10

This game is extremely difficult -- even in the two player mode. My first couple of times playing this game, I couldn't get past the first level. The thing that makes it hard is that when you get hit by the bosses, you loose like half of your energy bar! It's totally ridiculous. Oh, and by the way, no continues at all... you only get one energy bar. The further levels are especially difficult. And you can forget about the last boss, it's impossible!!!

Game Play-Fun 6 out of 10

This game is fun -- for the first couple of times. After you realize that the game is frustrating, you probably won't touch the game for a while until you cool off. Other than that, it's a fun game...


This game is soo hard! Again, once you try playing this game for the first time, you'll find it to be very difficult, so you'll just stop playing it. Other than this, the game's awesome.

Replayability 7 out of 10

Again, the frustration level hurts this game's replayability so much. A rating of seven in this category is being generous. If this game wasn't so tough, then I'd probably rate it a 9. The only thing that will have you playing this game more from time to time is the two player cooperative mode. This is very fun, but the game is STILL hard!!!

Game Value 6 out of 10

If you can get this game for under 5 dollars, then that's great, buy it. Anything over 5 dollars is a big time rip off. Is this game worth the price? Well, it depends. If your the kind of player who likes a challenge, buy it, if not, don't touch this game -- you won't like it at all.

Overall 7.5 out of 10

Overall, this game is average. Not great, nothing special here. But nonetheless, it does complete the Double dragon series and IS worth at least a try.

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