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Reviewed by Kyle Mauhl The Nintendo 64 and 8 bit NES have a lot of things in common. They're both made by Nintendo, they both have many great games, and my personal favorite, they're both great for multiplayer games! However, the main types of multiplayer games on the 2 systems are completely different. You see, the Nintendo 64 is all about 4-player, last man standing, kill em' all deathmatching! The NES on the other hand, was all about 2 player, destroy the enemy together, cooperative gaming! Among the best, arguably THE best game of this type on the NES, was Contra. Contra is a classic side-scrolling shoot-em-up made by the masters at Konami that is always fun for 1 player, but especially 2.

Graphics 6.5 out of 10

Not much to look at here. The sprites are small, pixilated, and not very detailed. The backgrounds are detailed, but very pixilated. There are also not very many frames of animation. However, for a 1st generation NES game, the graphics aren't horrible, just not very good.

Music and Sound 8 out of 10

There are a few catchy tunes, especially the 1st level's music! The rest, unlike Konami's other big franchise on the NES, Castlevania, is merely adequate and won't stick in your head for very long. The sound effects are good. There are different sounds for each of the weapons, as well as high-pitched noises when you shoot an enemy that takes more than 1 hit to kill, letting you know that you are doing damage. I think the noise when you die, which I don't know how to describe, is very annoying, especially if you're a beginner and hearing it a lot. Overall, the music and sound are above average for such an old game.

Game Challenge 10 out of 10

Starting out with only 3 lives, one hit kills, and cheap deaths make this game a very challenging one. However, if you use the Konami code to start with 30 lives, the difficulty rating goes down to a 1. It may be a little challenging the 1st time through, but after that, most gamers can sleep-walk through the game. If you want a real challenge, try beating it without the code (I've done it only once.) Basically, the challenge goes like this: Code= easy, No code= hard.

Game Play-Fun 10 out of 10

As a single player game, this game is a lot of fun. However, add a friend and the fun goes through the roof. I still play this with friends anytime they come over, which really shows it has stood the test of time (12 years!) Basically, you go through a level, beat the boss, go on to the next level, repeat. There are 8 levels in all. Six of them are the classic side-scrolling ones that made the series famous. Levels 2 and 4, however are completely different. You see, here, you are placed in an over-the-shoulder point of view, unable to move forward, shooting enemies in front of you, and trying to blow up "locks" on the walls to move on to the next room. Your fight the boss from the same point of view after several rooms. These levels are frustrating, as the point of view makes it impossible to judge where the enemy bullets are, which leads to many cheap deaths. Once you memorize the rooms, however, these levels become pretty easy. You can also get several weapon upgrades. You get them from shooting flying capsules and shooting boxes that appear around the levels and collecting the capsule that comes out of them. The weapons are: Rapid fire- lets you fire slightly faster; Machine gun- lets you fire extremely fast with out having to constantly tap the button; Flame thrower- shoots spirals of flames, kind of worthless, though; Laser- shoots a long, powerful beam, but very slow; Red Falcon- destroys everything on the screen; Spread gun- mine, and everybody else's favorite! Sprays bullets everywhere, almost guaranteed to hit something and very powerful at close range. Overall, this is an extremely fun game!


Same as challenge, no frustration with the code, lots of it without. It kind of stinks that when you die, you start with your little pea shooter weapon when you have a powerful weapon, and the over-the-shoulder levels are frustrating, too.

Replayability 9 out of 10

With the 30 lives code, it's easy for you and a friend to play through it over and over again and still be the most fun you can have. The only problem is that the game doesn't change at all no matter how many times you play through it, no secret areas and no multiple paths hurt it's replay value, but it's still fun no matter how many times you play.

Game Value 10 out of 10

This game isn't very rare, so it should be easy to find for a reasonable price. It's so much fun as a multiplayer game that it's worth any price. Go buy it!

Overall 10 out of 10

This game is just way too fun! I've been playing it since I was a little kid, and I still love it today! I use this game as an educational tool on little kids who think the NES stinked, and it changes their opinion on that rather quickly. I just hope all the gamers of the world can forget about the stinky Playstation remakes, and that Konami of Osaka would get off their butts and make a REAL sequel, a GOOD sequel that does the series justice. Overall, one of the best games for the NES, easy to pick up and play, and great multiplayer makes this game a must own for all gamers new and old.

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