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Chubby Cherub

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Reviewed by Ty Massei

Graphics: 2 out of 10 Sound: 3 out of 10 Gameplay: 2 out of 10 Hardness factor: 2 out of 10 Overall: 2 out of 10

Graphics: The graphics are really poor in this game. While they aren't Atari bad, everything in the game just looks like it was made poorly and there isn't much detail at all. Animation, what's there at least, was done poorly. Sound: The music in this game is lacking and the sound effects are so annoying that you'll want to turn the game off. Gameplay: In this game you play as a chubby cherub (hence the name) and must make your way to the end of the level after collecting a ton of powerups that's laid around. It's pretty boring and the controls are also pretty bad. Hardness factor: The game itself is very easy, I had no trouble beating at least 10 of the levels. After that, I just turned the game off, so maybe it gets a bit harder. Overall: 2 out of 10. Not a game I'd recommend at all. If the bad graphics don't turn you away from the game, either the sound effects or actual gameplay will.

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