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Bionic Commando

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Reviewed by Steve S. Ahh... I remember way back in the day, when the NES was prominent and powerful and had no competition. Capcom had only been out for a couple of years, and every game they'd produced was a winner. In 1988, Capcom released this game, Bionic Commando, and I doubt that anyone was disappointed. It is the sequel to the 1986 arcade shooter Commando, and features instead of Super Joe (the main character of the original), the Bionic Commando. He's a powerful man with a strange but useful bionic arm, and a whole arsenal of weaponry. He's engaged in an explosive conflict involving the warmonger Generalissimo Killt and the captured military soldier Super Joe. The Bionic Commando must infiltrate Killt's fortress and destroy him to end the horrible war engulfing the planet.

Graphics: 10 out of 10

Back in the 1980's, not much was inspected in the visual area of video games. Boy, was I sure impressed when this masterpiece was released! Capcom is known for its high-res graphics, and this game is certainly no exception. The animation is nice and smooth and the backgrounds are full in rich detail. The visuals in this game hold up well to other Capcom games of its time such as Mega Man and Ghosts 'N Goblins.

Music and Sound: 10 out of 10

I have always been a huge fan of all video game music. It's very inspiring and very catchy, and I'm glad to say that that also applies to the tracks in this game. The music perfectly suits the situations and the levels, and the tunes never become annoying, which is something associated with many early, and even newer, games. I never get tired of hearing the music in this game. The sound effects are done very well, too. The sound of the bionic arm as it extends forward resounds with a good coily, slinky-like effect, and the gun makes impressive firing sounds as it shoots bullets or rockets. There is not one annoying sound effect in the whole game! I give it all a perfect score.

Game Challenge: 10 out of 10

If you want a game that will keep you occupied for a while due to its difficulty, this is the one to get! Bionic Commando is challenging, but not one of those games that requires a master gamer and two years of practice to defeat. I beat this game for the first time when I was nine years old, seven years ago! So that's proof that almost anybody can beat this game if they give it time and a little bit of practice.


I have to admit that there are several points in this game that are quite frustrating. Some areas are extremely tricky to get through, especially those that require expert bionic arm tactics. Some of the bosses (i.e. the 10-foot-tall robot) are very frustrating and have little mercy on you. But again, all it takes is a little patience and practice.

Game Value: 10 out of 10

Of course it's worth the price! Back when it first came out, fifty bucks may have seemed a tad steep, but it was well worth it even then. Now, however, you could probably find this game for under ten dollars, which is REALLY worth it. I would pay $50 again if I lost the game. Bionic Commando is a sure classic, and is worth any price you can slap on it!

Overall: 10 out of 10

Most people think old video games are pretty much junk, and that's kind of true. However, there is a small handful of games that stand out in my book, and Bionic Commando is not an exception. Overall, the game is perfect, and I wouldn't change a thing! Everything, from the graphics to the sounds to the way the boss's head explodes at the end, is perfect. If you own a Nintendo Entertainment System, having this game is a definite must! Don't miss out on it!

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