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Reviewed by I-Am-Lander Today Activision makes new games and is a pretty successful company, but where did they start off from? It was early back to the Nintendo days, and Archon proved to be a pretty addicting strategy game.

Graphics 7 out of 10

Even for its time in the early 90's the graphics weren't really living up to it's full potential for the NES. At first glance you would see a bunch of chess like characters on a black and white checkerboard. Even in battle the characters still don't look like much as they are just tiny little chess figures roaming around on a battle field. Not much to look at in this game in terms of graphics though.

Music and Sound 6 out of 10

There really wasn't much of anything in this game in terms of music and sound. There were probably 3 different sounds of music in this game, one during the intro screen, the second one during the checkerfield, and the last one was during battle. The were very little sounds in this game like when you hit the opponent with your weapon but that's about it. There wasn't really anything special here besides the fact that it was a little catchy.

Game Play-Fun 9 out of 10

The game play was the best feature in this game. Like I said before it was not checkers nor chess nor a combination of both, despite the fact that there was a checkerboard field. Here you were given 16 characters from each side. The sides being Light and Dark, you would choose which side you wanted to be from the beginning, but there really wasn't any storyline involved in this game. Here the Light and Dark side collide, you have your equal on every side and you 3 ways of winning the game. First off is quite obvious, you kill off every other member on the opposing side, the second is that your side takes up all of the magic squares. 3 magic squares are left unattended at the beginning while the Wizard and Sorceress occupies the ether two magic squares. The third one is quite difficult to achieve, you have to surround your opponent so that they can make no more moves. To battle your opponent you pick any of the characters you want and move them over to another opposing character. Each character has special attributes and weaknesses, for example a Goblin form the Dark side can be seen as a pawn and that goes the same for the knight. A unicorn however was very quick and agile and can attack very fast, its equal was the basilisk. Your leader was either the Wizard or Sorceress depending on which side you control, it doesn't matter if they die, but they are the ones that can bring back any other character back if they had been defeated earlier. They are the magic casters in the game, but they are all limited to one use only. The game still continues even if they die, then you would have these White Squares and Black squares, if a Dark opponent would fight a light opponent on a dark square then the Dark opponent would be at a severe disadvantage, or vice versa. This was the best part of the game and thus Activision did do a pretty good job on it.

Replayability 7 out of 10

This was pretty addicting and thus it would make you come back and play the whole game over again. This wasn't like checkers nor chess, nor a combination of both. There was a lot of strategy involved in this game and sometimes you just want to beat the CPU again but, try to beat them with losing the least amount of characters. Overall it was a good effort here.

Overall 7 out of 10

This game doesn't disappoint much and its strategy at its best. However its not like most strategy games, its more of a quick battle between 32 characters and the game is very easy to pick up. Pick this game up if you like a strategy game that's quick and not boring or if you just want to see how Activision did back then.

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