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Adventure Island

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Reviewed by X-Phile99 This is a classic adventure game, in which young Master Higgins goes on a quest to save his girlfriend. The story is standard fare, and the game is pretty much your run-of-the-mill side-scrolling adventure game. It did inspire several sequels on several systems however. The game had 8 worlds with 4 stages on each, much like Super Mario Brothers. There are no passwords, but there are unlimited continues if you pick up the egg at the end of 1-1. Just hold Right and Start to continue.

Graphics 7 out of 10

Bright, colorful graphics depict a tropical locale throughout the game. The game is very 2-dimensional, but what there is is well done.

Music and Sound 5 out of 10

The music is great for the first board or 2, but since it is the SAME music every round, it gets old quickly. You may have the "boing" sound of the octopi in your head long after you stop playing.

Game Challenge 8 out of 10

The 4 boards of each world repeat each other throughout the game. The only difference is that more enemies are added in each successive world. By the time you get to the 8th world, the game stops giving you weapons and you are forced to simply "dodge" the enemies. You may cruise through the first 4-5 worlds, but it gets very hard in the end.

Game Play-Fun 6 out of 10

While it's fun to ride the skateboards and find hidden items, the game gets old very quickly. The frustration level rises as the game goes on, and the fun wears off after about the second world. It is fun to pick up and play the first few boards every once in a while though.


As mentioned, it builds as the game goes on. By the time you get to world 7 or 8, you'll want to (and maybe even will) throw your controller at the TV. This is one of the most frustrating games I've ever played.

Replayability 3 out of 10

Like I said, you might pick it up once in a great while. You'll get sick of it quickly though. Overall 5 out of 10

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