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Reviewed by Alex Among the many of the genres of Nintendo gaming were space shoot-em-ups, which consist of stage after stage flying a ship, shooting enemies, collecting powerups, and dodging projectiles. Don't expect to find much in the way of innovation in this game, Abadox!

Graphics 4 out of 5

Probably the only thing that separates this game from others like Gradius or R-Type is the setting. You are flying around inside of a gigantic space alien. The palette is most of the time a wonderful mixture of reds and pinks, as there are many organs in view. This might disturb some. The violence is not disgusting, just a few harmless explosions. The enemies are large and organic and are done very well. They seem to be one with the ship. For a Nintendo game, I would give this game a 4 out of 5. What can you expect to see? Well, for starters, lots of "brains," by which I mean "any brain-looking surface." This game never lets up on the guts theme. There are skeletal enemies, fleshy enemies, eyeballs that fly, faces that protrude from walls, and all sorts of things there to offend the weak of heart.

Music and Sound 2.5 out of 5

The music was not very memorable, not in the way the Bomberman II was, or any other game with great music. I don't remember it is being very good or very bad, either of which would stick out in my mind as I go back to review it.

Game Challenge 4 5 out of 5

To tell you the truth, I am not the best game player on the face of the planet. These (one-hit wonders (one shot kills you)) type of games are my least favorite to play. At any time in the game, there are a few dozen little projectiles on the screen. Sometimes so many, that it has to stop drawing important sprites such as your ship. This game is not hard in the sense that Dragon's Lair (NES!) is hard. No, this game gives you fair warning before you are about to be fired at, jumped at, etc. The hardest thing in the game is actually getting up to the bosses, not the bosses themselves. In any case, I died many times during this game, and found it very difficult to finish. The powerups don't give you very much protection. Your gun doesn't get very powerful. Heck, even the powerups get difficult to kill after awhile. There are some enemies which you can't kill, that follow you around unless you can make them go off of the screen. The later levels are the height, and embodiment, or tediousness.

Game Play-Fun 1 out of 5

As mentioned previously, it got very tedious in the end, but I didn't mention that it had started that way also. You always start in the beginning of the level when you die, not in the middle like some games do. You shouldn't even have to start again! There are other shoot em ups where you just reappear on the screen again, and that would have been my choice for this game also. Aside from tediousness, there is also repetition. The levels only come in two very alike flavors: sidescrolling and top view. The only difference is that in top view, you shoot and the screen scrolls downward instead of to the right. Add a few graphical changes and you've got top view. This game left a bad taste in my mouth. No, not the gory graphics. I never want to see it again.

Overall 2 out of 5

While this game has some pretty wrapping, you can't find anything inside. There is nothing here worth playing over, even playing the first time. Usually good music will go along with a bad game, giving it some value, but I found none here. I can vaguely remember the advertising campaign for this game. I can now safely say that they were probably blowing a lot of hot air. As far as shooters go, this one is nothing special.

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