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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Brett Taylor- A+ Adam Massey- A+ A. L. Daemmig- 10 out of 10 Joe Ricks- 10 out of 10 Michael Chan- 10 out of 10 Raymond Almeda- 100 out of 100 Mariorox- 100 out of 100 Nu64fan- 10 out of 10 Rich Boos- 10 out of 10 Slink- 10 out of 10 Michael Wells- 10 out of 10 Chris Pinson- 10 out of 10 Ben the the king of Zelda- 10 out of 10 Ian McClain- 5 out of 5 Yoshi-M- 5 out of 5 Scott McCall- 4.9 out of 5 Michael Alfera- 9.8 out of 10 Jose Remy- 95 out of 100 Aaron Duncan- 9.5 out of 10 Tommy Lop- 9 out of 10 Stryker- 82 out of 100 Francis Rogers- 8 out of 10 Samuel Miller- 5.5 out of 10 Kenny Flynn- 5 out of 10 J.M. Hornbaker- 4 out of 10

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