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Britney's Dance Beat

Reviewed by MaxH You'll all have heard at least one of Britney's songs in the few years she's been about. It's unavoidable. You'll probably have heard just about every single one of them get to the number one spot in every single country. She's a popular singer, Britney, so surely she deserves her own piece of videogame memorabilia! And no-one serves up licensed tat better than publishers THQ and developers Art. BDB is a rhythm action game using five of Britney's most popular songs. While a rough animated Britney sprite stands center screen, moving about in spasms like a mentalist, you must concentrate on the wheel 'o music (As I have dubbed it myself). Basically a green radar-type line will move around a circle which will be filling up with little pictures of the A and B button. When the line moves across the button symbol, you must press that button. Yes, this is it. Having to press only two buttons for the entire duration of the game (And the fact that the wheel doesn't move all that fast) makes BDB something less than challenging, and not really much fun. It's okay for a little go now and then, and there's no technical problems, it's just staggeringly simple. The graphics are very, very limited and not all that amazing. Britney herself is a scary little cat-suited pseudo-3D sprite. And, contrary to popular belief, can't dance to save her life. In real life she may stretch and fling her limbs quite impressively, but here she just looks like someone whose had ants thrust down their catsuit, or is trying to scratch a difficult itch on their back, or is just an obvious lunatic. The backgrounds don't change either. Very dull. If you like Britney's music, it's likely you'll quite like the MIDI versions they've thrown in her. Her most popular songs are here and, while the piercing synth whine that replaces her vocals are annoying, they have turned out better than expected. Hate her music as you may, it's hard not to hum along sometimes. There are some terrible little photos and movie clips to collect, and a sliding puzzle to play. But really, I couldn't care less about christmas cracker puzzles and bad quality photos, and I can't imagine anyone else could either. What it comes down to is a perfectly playable, listenable dance game with no variety, no style and a satanic Britney who is obviously having a violent fit. This is a Britney souvenir, not a proper videogame.

Overall: 4 out of 10

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