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Ring Rage

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Reviewed by Ty Massei

Graphics: 1 out of 10 Sound: 3 out of 10 Gameplay: 1.5 out of 10 Hardness factor: 6 out of 10 Overall: 1 out of 10

Graphics: The graphics are horrendous, being some of the worst for a handheld system. All of the characters look too generic and just look like slightly detailed blobs of individual height. The stage looks a little better than the characters, but not by too much. Sound: The sound doesn't change for each level, so it gets old really quickly. Also, the sound effects are just generic and don't sound very well. Gameplay: This is probably one of the worst wrestling game I've ever played. Not only are the controls hard (and at times confusing) but the dynamics of the game are bad. You play as various blobby looking characters (punk blob, ninja blob, and other generic blobs) and fight until the enemy's hit-points are low enough to pin him. The game is just repetitive and boring, and there really isn't anything you can do. Every character basically has the same move, only changed just a little. For example, the Punk jump kicks while the Ninja jump headbutts. Hardness factor: This game was so-so in hardness. If the controls were changed a bit, the game wasn't so jerky, and the game was sped up, this would possibly get a 3.5. Overall: 1 out of 10. Like I said before, the game is just horrible and the worst wrestling game I've played (so far).

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