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Reviewed by Shadow Okay, when I heard about it, I thought it wasn't anything special, and it was just another average RPG game. I didn't join any anti-Pokemon groups or anything, I basically was neutral when it came to Pokemon. I was much more interested in other RPGs. I was, however, vaguely interested in seeing the Pokemon cartoon, because it was based on a video game. I started watching it frequently and eventually was watching it every day for quite a while. Not only did that spark my interest of Pokemon as a whole, but, knowing Pokemon was anime, got me to watch other Anime, which I used to absolutely hate. In Christmas of '99, as a huge Zelda fan, I finally got a Game Boy Color with the Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (great game, BTW). That changed everything. Since there wasn't a wide choice of great RPGs on GB, I decided to get Pokemon as the next Game Boy game I have.

Graphics: 7 out of 10

The graphics are poor, but that's because of the simple graphics of the Game Boy/Color. For it's system, though, they are actually quite good. Each Pokemon has their fine own art, from 2 angles, and each move has it's own effect as well. The characters are a bit small, which limits their detail, but luckily their heads are big, so you can still recognize the faces.

Music and Sound: 6 out of 10

Al right, most game boy games have annoying sounds and music. Pokemon is no exception. Most of the tunes are the standard horrible game boy tunes, but their are a few exceptions. The trainer battle music, gym leader music, and intro theme are quite good, and rival some of the songs in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. One great feature is that each Pokemon has their own cry, and even each fighting move has it's own sound effect.

Game Challenge: 5 out of 10

This is one of the easiest RPGs around. If you level up a lot like most people, you can defeat any Pokemon in the game in 2 or 3 shots (1 shot if it's weak against that particular attack). The first fight against Gary is probably the hardest fight in the game (except for maybe vs. Lance). Catching certain Pokemon can actually be pretty difficult. However, if you decide to take the challenge and under level, it's completely the opposite. Just try and fight Gary at THOSE levels! You'll actually need quite a bit of strategy in that case! The multi player challenge is obviously a different story. You no longer face stupid AI anymore, and you need all the strategy and leveling up you can get.

Game Play-Fun: 8 out of 10

In each version of Pokemon, there are 139 species of Pokemon which you can catch. You also start with one of these 3 Pokemon: Bulbasaur (grass type), Charmander (fire types), or Squirtle (water type). I recommend you start with Squirtle or Bulbasaur, since Brock, the 1st Gym leader, is incredibly tough if you use Charmander. I don't know why, but this game is actually more addicting to me than it is entertaining. It can get pretty boring constantly running into the same enemies over and over again and fight trainers in every area. I personally think it's funnier to do quick leveling up of Pokemon against the Elite Four just to see what new moves they'll learn. I think the funniest part of Pokemon is trading and battling against friends. Since you walk pretty slow, I'm glad you can get a bike to zoom around(too bad you can only access hyper speed mode on Pokemon Stadium!). While it's story line can't compare to almost all the RPGs, it DOES have a small story line dealing with the troubles of Team Rocket.


Really, this game CAN be frustrating. It's not beating the trainers, but it's just about everything else, like trying to catch tough Pokemon or running into enemies every two seconds in gigantic caves when you're not in the mood to battle.

Replayability: 10 out of 10

This is Pokemon's strongest point, and the reason it's worth buying. It's not going through the game and beating it that makes it very repayable, but once you beat the game, you can continue to work on building up all your Pokemon, which is the real reason this game is so addicting. Plus, you can trade and battle Pokemon with friends, to give it even more replay value.

Game Value: 9 out of 10

Yes, this game is definitely worth the price, as long as you: 1. Find someone else who has Pokemon(preferably a different version) 2. Buy a game link that is compatible with both game boys you're using. If you can't do those 2 things, it may not be worth it, since the one player is only so-so.

Overall: 9 out of 10

All in all, this is a fantastic game, and this is an exceptional game even for RPG collectors. Overall, I think this is a fantastic game and that's all I have to say.

Want this game? Find it on Amazon.com!!

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