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Lufia: The Legend Returns

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Reviewed by Ty Massei

Graphics: 9 out of 10 Sound: 10 out of 10 Gameplay: 8.5 out of 10 Hardness factor: 6.5 out of 10 Overall: 8 out of 10

Graphics: This game has amazing graphics for the Game Boy Color. The only other game that compares to it is Dragon Warrior III and Dragon Warrior Monsters 2, even though the enemies look much cooler in DWIII. However, just the general sprites look really good in this game and are very detailed for a GBC game. Sound: Giving this a 10 means it has the best music for the Game Boy, hands down. The songs are really good and don't get repetitive. They also sound good enough to be on the SNES and are just generally amazing tune wise. The only music I really didn't love was the battle music (unfortunately) but the rest is golden. Gameplay: This is one of the best games for the Gameboy. The only games that even compare to it are Dragon Warrior Monsters 2, DWIII, and DW 1 & 2 (not that I'm biased towards DW, they were just done very well). It's a classic RPG that sort of ties into Lufia 1 & 2 for the GBC. Instead of actual dungeons, however, there is a randomly generated dungeon. Unfortunately, that means all of the dungeons are similar, so it can get boring having to descend 7 floors, only to find out after a boss you have to keep going another 10 floors. The story line is also a little bit simple, and the hero is way too dumb, but most of it is very good. There's also a very cool IP (special attack system) where when you get hit you get points and can use special powers, which was carried over from the SNES Lufia's. Finally, there's a pretty cool battle system where you have three rows of people and you can have any in the three vertical rows attack during the turn. Hardness factor: I was over halfway done with this game when I wrote this review and so far I've had minimal trouble in this game. You have an opportunity before boss battles to get ready for battle, which is really helpful, though the bosses aren't that hard to begin with. There are some enemies you may want to stay away from, but you'll find out after you meet them. Overall: 8 out of 10. Great graphics, sound, and gameplay make this one of the best (if not the best) games for the GBC. I'd even go as far as recommending getting a GBC or GBA just to play this game (and the DW games while you're at it).

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