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Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters

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Reviewed by Ty Massei

Graphics: 7 out of 10 Sound: 7 out of 10 Gameplay: 7.5 out of 10 Hardness factor: 6 out of 10 Overall: 7 out of 10

Graphics: The graphics are a lot like the NES, or at least a very good try. Enemies are original and kind of weird, and the Animation is about as good as you can get for a regular gameboy game. Sound: The songs and sound effects are almost just as good as the original and are only modified a bit so that they can fit the gameboy. It's pretty good and I enjoyed listening to it. Gameplay: A 'sequel' to one of the best sidescrollers for the NES. It's almost exactly like it; except for some things at the end, and that the screen scrolls around instead of it just being one big screen that scrolls left and right. It's pretty basic, but that's what makes it fun. The dynamics of the game are just great. Hardness factor: The game isn't too hard, except for maybe the last boss. It is easy to get lost in the ruins though. Overall: 7 out of 10. A very fun game. If you've played the first, or even if you just have a gameboy and don't mind old games, definitely get this game.

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