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The Jetsons

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Reviewed by Ty Massei

Graphics: 5 out of 10 Sound: 4 out of 10 Gameplay: 4 out of 10 Hardness factor: 6 out of 10 Overall: 4 out of 10

Graphics: The graphics were normal, just like everything else about this game. Characters didn't look like they were supposed to, but they came close enough so you could recognize who they were supposed to be (like a lot of GB games). Sound: The sound was also just normal. It wasn't real exciting, and the quality was pretty bad, but at least it wasn't annoying. Sound effects were a little much. Gameplay: This game is just another sidescroller, but it has a few different things about it. For one, you play as three people (Judy, Jane, and Elroy) in each of three different levels. Another thing is that they each have their own special weapons. Judy can go on the ceiling for a limited amount of time, Jane can fly around with a jetpack, and Elroy can attack with a ball. For Jane and Judy's levels, you just go about in a normal sidescroller, but most of Elroy's scrolls on its own. The controls are pretty good, but the game does get a little boring. Hardness factor: There really isn't anything hard about this game, except maybe when your run out of boxes to throw around in Jane and Judy's levels. Overall: 4 out of 10. This game is just too normal for a sidescroller. It does get boring about 10 minutes into the game, so there is no way I'd recommend this game (as if anyone would really think about buying it).

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