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Reviewed by I Me I received this game quite a long time ago as a gift from my father. I popped it into my Game Boy, and played it for some time. Little did I know at that point that it wasn't exactly a standard game to play. Most of my time playing was spent trying to figure out how to beat it and if you could beat it. Harmony is a little-known puzzle game made by Accolade for the original Game Boy. It was released in 1990 at the time, and hasn't been remade since. Because of this, it probably is a fairly hard to come by game to find on the market. I, personally, haven't seen it lately though. The whole point to the game of Harmony is to steer a circle around the hit blackened circles into each other. Every blackened circle is marked with a shape. The point is to clear all of the blackened circles by crashing two or more of the same shape into each other. But, there's a catch: you only have a certain amount of time to destroy the circle. Sound confusing? Trust me, it's much harder than you'd expect. Controls: 1 - Ugh. Easily the worst part of the game. Steering the controlled circle around is insanely difficult. To move it, you have to press and hold the A Button and move it around with the cross-arrow button. The circle also bounces off anything it hits, so you have to move it and regain control fast. To change directions, you have to use the cross-arrow button without holding A. I despised this, as the transition between two spaces is in now way smooth. Sound: 1 - Sound? What sound? The only sound on the playing field is mostly beeps and other sounds like that. Although, the little jingle on the title screen is pretty neat, but not enough to save it. Graphics: 2 - This is a two because mostly of the title screen's graphics. That's the only decent point in the game. On the field? Not very good. Harmony is a Game Boy game, but most of the graphics are circles. Too much simplicity. At least your ''death'' is okay. Story: N/A - Being a puzzle game doesn't really require a story, but it's nice if there is... No story here. Replay Value: LOW - As soon as you get to the third stage or so, you'll be ready to throw the game out the window. Seriously; it's that bad. Buy or Rent? Neither. - I don't suggest buying or renting this game if you can find it. Just about everything about this game is pretty bad for a puzzle game. Unless you're really into collecting rare games, avoid this game; you're not going to like it.

Overall: 1 out of 10

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