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The Getaway

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Reviewed by Ty Massei

Graphics: 3 out of 10 Sound: 4 out of 10 Gameplay: 2 out of 10 Hardness factor: 7 out of 10 Overall: 2 out of 10

Graphics: The graphics aren't great. While they tried to simulate a real pinball table, they just couldn't pull it off on the Gameboy (or any on the GBC for that matter). Things just look too plain and the animation is very limited (for example, the ball scrolling is laggy and unrealistic). Sound: The music is okay, but there aren't enough sound effects in this game. It just doesn't sound like a real pinball table. Gameplay: A basic pinball game. If you've never played pinball, you hit a ball with flippers to try to get points. This game isn't a good replica because the physics are all wrong. The screen and ball scroll too slowly, the dynamics are way off (the ball it too heavy when falling and too light when rising), and even the 'lights' are a little off. These problems, along with the shoddy board, make it so that there is very little to enjoy about this game. Hardness factor: Everything about this game is just wrong, including the controls. If they made the pit a little shorter, it would be easy, but they didn't. Overall: 2 out of 10. Bad graphics, sound, and especially gameplay make this one of the worst pinball games I've every played. If you want a good pinball game, nothing beats the real thing.

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