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Gauntlet 2

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Reviewed by Ty Massei

Graphics: 3 out of 10 Sound: 1 out of 10 Gameplay: 6 out of 10 Hardness factor: 8 out of 10 Overall: 6 out of 10

Graphics: The graphics aren't anything spectacular. Most things are basic and look blocky or like blobs. There are a few cool looking enemies, but most of the time the graphics just aren't up to par with today's standards. Sound: There were almost no music or sound effects in this game. Gameplay: This is an addicting little game where you play as one of four characters (valkeryie, warrior, wizard, and elf) in an overhead view and must find keys in order to open up the door at the end of the level. Sound easy? Throw in that you have a certain amount of life to beat the game with (and that life goes down every second or so), enemies that can't die, warps, and a billion other things. It's fun, but this isn't a really good port of the game and doesn't do it any justice. Also, each character has different 'stats' like the warrior is stronger, while the wizard can attack more often. Hardness factor: This game is very tough. So tough, in fact, you might want to buy a Gameshark before playing this game. Overall: 6 out of 10. While this is a really fun game, it just isn't the same on the Gameboy. If you enjoyed playing the arcade version and really want this game, be forewarned that this game is very hard.

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