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Bo Jackson Hit and Run! Football and Baseball

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Reviewed by Benjamin Zintak For Christmas, my brother got $50. In a few days we were out buying a Game Boy. Ever since, it just has gotten less popular in our family. He only has two games: Shaq Fu and Bo Jackson: Hit and Run! Football and Baseball. At first he was addicted to Shaq Fu, but now he plays Bo Jackson almost always. We got it free from a friend. In this review, maybe I can tell you a little more about Bo Jackson: Hit and Run! Baseball and Football.

Graphics C

You can defiantly tell that this game is dot matrix. The football portions look fair, and the pitcher and batter scenes are ok, but the bases running portion is horrible. They could have used stick figures and looked better. If I had chosen to buy this game, I believe I would of made a sorry mistake. Big NO-NO for gamers.

Music and Sound B+

The music and sound is cool. Actually, there isn't that much sound, but the crowd cheers, and when you catch a ball you can hear your mitt make that noise. Like I said, the sound and music's OK.

Game Challenge A-

The football game is pretty easy. But the baseball game is tough. It truly is hard to pitch, hit, and run to a base before the fielder gets the ball. Dang, it's even hard to catch the dumb ball. This game is hard. I usually only beat it 1/4 of the time.

Game Play-Fun C-

It really isn't that fun. The football game is too easy, and the baseball too tough. The thing with the baseball game is, the computer makes you run really slow, so you usually get forced out.


The game can be very frustrating, especially the Baseball part. You get out all the time and score about three runs per game. Usually they're homers. My high for this is 5. Also, the ball never goes where you want it to go.

Replayability A+

You could play this game over and over and over and over and over again. After about 10 of each game, you'll get bored. That is one of the greatest things about Sports Video games. This one is no exception to the rule.

Game Value D+

It is not really worth the price you pay for it. If you want it, you should get it used.

Realistic Factor B

Although the graphics put down a bomb on this category, the game is pretty realistic. The crowd looks OK, and the baseball game includes dugouts and full details that an insane baseball gamer or player would defiantly approve of.

Overall C-

Like I said before, if I had to make a choice, I probably would not, buy this game.

Want this game? Find it on Amazon.com!!

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