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Battle Unit Zeoth

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Reviewed by Ty Massei

Graphics: 4 out of 10 Sound: 4 out of 10 Gameplay: 5.5 out of 10 Hardness factor: 6 out of 10 Overall: 5 out of 10

Graphics: I had mixed feelings about the graphics in this game. While the Mech you control and the bosses looked cool (for a Gameboy game this old) the enemies were incredibly plain. They were basically shapes with dots and lines on that (Like an octagon with a circle in the middle of it). Sound: The sound was very generic for a space shooter. The songs weren't necessarily bad; they just seem like every other space shooter game out there. Sound effects were also generic, but not as bad. Gameplay: This game is basically a space shooter, where you fly around with a jet pack and collect power ups to shoot stronger and more bullets. The only difference is that on some levels the screen doesn't move automatically. It's a very generic game, but it was kind of fun. Another good thing about this game is that they did the controls very well. The only thing I have a problem with is that you fly a little bit too fast. Hardness factor: The game was very easy. The only problems I had with it were that the bosses were sometimes a little too hard, but usually they weren't too bad. Overall: 5 out of 10. One word describes this game. Generic. It's almost like every other space shooter out there, though it's not a bad game.

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