Reviewed by Ty Massei
Graphics: 4 out of 10
Sound: 3 out of 10
Gameplay: 3 out of 10
Hardness factor: 6.5 out of 10
Overall: 3 out of 10
Graphics: The graphics are okay. Enemies have a little bit of detail
(though their faces are distorted looking) but overall the graphics
are just pretty plain and boring looking. On the up side, if you're a fan
of the cartoon, they got the Animaniacs and other characters down pretty well.
Sound: The music is too cartoony and gets boring. The game seems to be
missing quite a bit of sound effects, like when you hit an enemy, and you
actually may want to turn off the music on some levels.
Gameplay: A storyline with an added interesting aspect. Instead of one
character you have three, and they each do different things. Wacko can hit
fuses and block, Yakko can push blocks, and Dot can freeze some enemies
to be used as stepping-stones. The problem with this game though, is that
your characters move too slowly so bosses are way too quick for them. Also,
the game just drags on since they basically give everything about the game
to you during the first level or two. The humor in this game is very juvenile.
Hardness factor: There are some hard enemies in this game, especially
bosses and mini-bosses. Your characters move way too slowly, so that
adds about a point to how hard this game is.
Overall: 3 out of 10. An okay game, but it has a few problems and it just
isn't fun enough to last very long. It's fun for maybe half an hour, but
there is no depth to the game.