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Dragon Warrior
Unscramble the names from the game. Hint: The answers can be found in the instruction booklet.
1. ARAFGLED_______________ 2. GMICA_______________ 3. THRNTESG_______________ 4. SESCLTA_______________ 5. LOEAMHER_______________ 6. RDNLRDOGAO_______________ 7. OBADR DWROS_______________ 8. LULF AELTP_______________ 9. RAGLE ISHLED_______________ 10. RIYEF RHOCT_______________ 11. YKE_______________ 12. ERHOTURM_______________ 13. ATGLETNE_______________ 14. DMLRAUIR_______________ 15. ECSTH_______________ 16. ITYILGA_______________ 17. REPXENESEI_______________
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