Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighter
Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets
Conquering SNES Games
80C887BD Automatic and infinite continues
81926600 Start with no continues (leave menu option on 3)
81926602 Start with 1 continue
81926604 Start with 3 continues
81926606 Start with 5 continues
81926608 Start with 7 continues
81ADC100 Chrome Dome is Leo - change second letter to make Chrome
Dome other characters.
81ADC300 Shredder is Leo - change second letter to make Shredder
other characters.
81ADC500 Rat King is Leo - change second letter to make Rat King other
characters. Must do Boss code first: On title screen, with Controller 2, press
X, Up, Y, Left, B, Down, A, Right, X, Up.
81ADC700 Karai is Leo - change second letter to make Karai other
characters. Must do Boss code first: on title screen, with controller 2,
press X, Up, Y, Left, B, Down, A, Right, X, Up.
81ADC90A Leonardo is replaced by Rat King
81ADC90B Leonardo is replaced by Karai
81ADCB0A Raphael is replaced by Rat King
81ADCB0B Raphael is replaced by Karai
81ADCD0A Donatello is replaced by Rat King
81ADCD0B Donatello is replaced by Karai
81ADCF0B Mike is Karai; change first two letters of code to be different characters
81B08510 Matches are 10 seconds long
81B08515 Matches are 15 seconds long
81B08520 Matches are 20 seconds long
81B08575 Matches are 75 seconds long
83A8CB01 Ultimate attack can be done any time the bar isn't empty
83A8CB14 Ultimate attack can be done with about 1/4 energy
83A8CB28 Ultimate attack can be done with about 1/2 energy
83A8CB3C Ultimate attack can be done with about 3/4 energy
83A8EA14 After doing an ultimate attack, energy bar goes to about 1/4
83A8EA28 After doing an ultimate attack, energy bar goes to about 1/2
83A8EA3C After doing an ultimate attack, energy bar goes to about 3/4
83A96100 Energy bar doesn't go down over time
83A96102 Energy bar goes down twice as fast
85FF5318 Both players start with 1/4 health
85FF5330 Both players start with 1/2 health
85FF5348 Both players start with 3/4 health