Super Metroid
Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets
Conquering SNES Games
70801204 Add ball
70801205 Add ball and varia suit
70801207 Add ball, varia suit, spring ball
70801227 Add ball, varia suit, spring ball, gravity suit
7080122F Add ball, varia suit, spring ball, screw attack, gravity suit
70801310 Add bomb
70801311 Add bomb and hi-jump boots
70801331 Add bomb, hi-jump boots and speed boots
70801333 Add bomb, all boots
70801601 Get wave beam
70801603 Get ice and wave beams
70801607 Get ice, wave, and spazer beam
7080160F Get ice, wave, spazer, and plasma beams
70801710 Add charge beam
7080360A Maximum missiles= 10
70803619 Maximum missiles= 25
70803632 Maximum missiles= 50
7080364B Maximum missiles= 75
70803664 Maximum missiles= 100
7080367D Maximum missiles= 125
70803696 Maximum missiles= 150
708036AF Maximum missiles= 175
708036C8 Maximum missiles= 200
70803A05 Maximum super missiles= 5
70803A0A Maximum super missiles= 10
70803A19 Maximum super missiles= 25
70803A32 Maximum super missiles= 50
70803E05 Maximum super bombs= 5
70803E0A Maximum super bombs= 10
70803E19 Maximum super bombs= 25
70803E32 Maximum super bombs= 50
70804E00 Set hours played to 0 (for better ending)
708158FF Crateria is already mapped out
708159FF Brinstar is already mapped out
70815AFF Norfair is already mapped out
70815BFF Wrecked ship is already mapped out
70815CFF Maridia is already mapped out
70815DFF Tourian is already mapped out
7E09C27E Unlimited Life
7E09C6FA 250 Missiles
7E09CA63 99 Super Missiles
7E09CE63 99 Super Bombs
7E0A7780 Hyper Beam from start
82A17B8D Start with hyper gun in inventory
82DA0C44 Keep the colors from the last room or area you exit (if the part of
an area is red and black,going into another area will allow you to keep the colors!!!)
82EEBB00 Skip intro and start on Planet Zebes when starting a new game
90BEBFAD Almost infinite missiles
90BEC4AD Almost infinite super missiles
90C02DEA Almost infinite super bombs
90D0CEAD Super jumps don't drain energy
91D0CEAD No energy drained from enemies
91DF71AD No energy loss from enemies
9CBEBEAD No energy drained from enemies.
80928781 Red super Bomb explosion
C27E0432 Infinite Energy
70801380 Add X-ray
70801390 Add X-ray and bomb
708013C0 Add X-ray and grapple
708013D0 Add X-ray, grapple, bomb
708013F3 Add all boots, bomb, grapple, X- ray
708033F3 Start with about 500 energy tanks
708033BB Start with about 700 energy tanks
708033E7 Start with about 1000 energy tanks
708033AF Start with about 1200 energy tanks
708033DB Start with about 1500 energy tanks
8180BE1C Master code
81A8AF80 Select area when loading a game (press right on map screen to select)