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Super Mario World

Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets Conquering SNES Games

Sent in by Jaguar 7E187A01 Wherever you are, you will fall thru the ground and die! 7E0019xx Replace xx with whatever Mario you want to be, and stay as. 01 Big Mario 02 Cape Mario 03 Fireball Mario 04 This weird red mario 05 Green-head mario Keep counting up and you will find different colors.
7E0DB405 For infinite lives for Mario. 7E0DBE05 For infinite lives for Luigi. 7E0DBF63 Gives 99 coins each time the enable switch is activated. 7E027799 Gives 99 star coins each time the enable switch is activated. 7E0F3303 Gives you infinite time to do a level. 7E001901 Gives Mario the mushroom indefinitely. 7E001902 Gives Mario the cape indefinitely. 7E001903 Allows Mario to shoot indefinitely. 009E2596 Mario has a halo on the map screen, F1 lives, and the game is over when you die once 009E25E6 Mario has a halo on map 009E3585 Start as red spazms mario 009E35E6 Start as Super Mario 00A223A9 Start button has no effect 00A273A9 Start and select button combo makes the game pause forever 00A2C3A9 Whenever you land hard on the ground via the cape, you die 00A70649 At the beginning of a level you go to the Yoshi bonus stage and when you fall the level is beaten! 00BECE6B Can repeatedly hit some blocks,some coins don't disappear when collected, switch off for some special blocks to work as normal 00D0B6A9 Keep powerups when you fall and die 00D0D80E Get more lives when you die 00D0D80F Die after losing one life 00D0D899 Lose every life except one when you die 00D0D8A4 Says "game over" after every life 00D0D8AD Infinite lives 00D6B6FF Runs super fast without holding down run; turn around w/spin jump 00D706FF Run super fast one direction; hard to control 00D7A5FF Floating Mario 00D7A600 Holding B allows you to fly to the top of the screen, sometimes off screen. Good code but, can ba a problem in caves. 00D7A601 Mega-jump 00D7A602 Super jump 00D7A604 Low jump 00D7A60F Bogus jump 00D7A67C Mario shakes repeaditely and if you hold A or B and down you can go through the floor sometimes. This is very useful in case you want to get somewhere that you can't below you. You have to quickly press A or B twice and then hold to get him off the ground and flying 00D7A6A1 Fiying ability 00D7A6B2 Skitz jumps 00D7A6C7 Mario shakes. He can't go through the floor like he can in the other code. The good thing is that you only have to press and hold A or B once to get him off the ground 00D7A6DE Jackhammer jump 00D7A6E0 Wierd jump. (Dosen't work with a cape) 00D7A6E6 Bunny/moon Jumps 00D7A6FF To-the-moon jump, flying helicopter spin 00DBA629 Mario can only jump about an inch high 00DBA6FB You can climb and fall just like the original except much faster 00E2D300 Invincibility 00E2D303 Low gravity in levels over water 00E2D304 Phony invincibility 00E2D307 No music 00E2D30E Dragon coins change little Mario into Luigi 00E2D333 Fake Fire mario (Red suit, no fireballs) 00E2D350 Black Mario 00E2D37E Invisibility 00E3D32B After you get a powerup, Mario's head will always face left, even while walking/flying/jumping right!! 00F2C3A9 You can swim in every level. 00F37F0D Extra life with every Dragon coin 00F600A9 Keep powerups when hit 00F601A9 Keep powerups when hit; invincible shellless turtle drops from item box if anything is in it 00F602A0 Instantly shrink when you get hit 00F603A9 Glitched graphics when shrinking 00F604A9 One hit kills even when large 00F616A9 Super stomp- run into any enemy from the side when small and you will be propelled upwards and stomp them! 00F61FA9 Shrink/die instantly 00F620A9 Shrink when hit ultra fast 00F70440 Regular nighttime 00F70443 No background 00F70444 Nighttime for pros 00F7065F Screen is upside down when you play. 00F7A424 Sickening 00F7A4FF Motionless 01A2FB01 Little Yoshi grows after eating just 1 enemy 01A3FB0F Little Yoshi doesn't grow big 7E001903 Always have Fire suit 7E0DC2C2 Takes yoshi into castle 7E0DFC10 Always have a flying Yoshi 7E0DFC20 Press select to release an extra life from the power-uo box 7E169706 Get 8000 pts. from each enemy you stomp 7E169707 Get 1up from each enemy you stomp 7E18D409 Every berry makes Yoshi lay an egg 7E18D501 Every pink berry makes Yoshi lay a cloud egg 008F2C01 008F3701 Extra life at one coin 008F2C32 008F3732 Extra life at 50 coins 009E32A9 009E3302 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as Cape Mario 009E32A9 009E3303 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as Fire Mario 009E32A9 009E3304 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as a red faced Mario in need of a chiropractor 009E32A9 009E3309 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as Sub-Zero Mario- grab a mushroom to become invincible 009E32A9 009E3310 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as nodding Mario- grab a mushroom to get 1up 009E32A9 009E3323 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as Mario- grab a mushroom and it turns into a Pirahna plant, a star is moved into your inventory which glitches the game if used 009E32A9 009E3375 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as hovercraft Mario, get any item to become invincible with a Bullet Bill in reserve 009E32A9 009E3377 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as hovercraft Mario, get any item to put a shelless turtle in reserve 009E32A9 009E3379 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as hovercraft Mario, get a mushroom to turn it into a Pirahna plant and get a giant "Bullet Blob" in reserve 009E32A9 009E3380 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as hovercraft Mario, get a mushroom to put a flying key in reserve 009E32A9 009E3382 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as hovercraft Mario, get a fire flower to put an invisibility flower in reserve, or a mushroom to turn invincible and get a football Koopa in reserve 009E32A9 009E3383 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as hovercraft Mario, get a fire flower to put a magic squished dinosaur in reserve which will let you clear the round instantly if collected 009E32A9 009E3388 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as Sub-Zero Mario, get a fire flower or mushroom to put a 1up mushroom in reserve, use that or any other 1up mushroom to put a Yoshi in reserve 009E32A9 009E3389 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as Mario with a strange walk, get a mushroom for Yoshi's thank-you message 009E32A9 009E33A5 009E34EA 009E3585 Mario drives without benefit of a car 009E32A9 009E33D0 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as Mario with an extremely strange walk, get a fire flower to put a glitched ghost in reserve 009E3304 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as a red faced Mario in need of a chiropractor 009E3309 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as Sub-Zero Mario- grab a mushroom to become invincible 009E3310 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as nodding Mario- grab a mushroom to get 1up 009E3323 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as Mario- grab a mushroom and it turns into a Pirahna plant, a star is moved into your inventory which glitches the game if used 009E3375 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as hovercraft Mario, get any item to become invincible with a Bullet Bill in reserve 009E3377 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as hovercraft Mario, get any item to put a shelless turtle in reserve 009E3379 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as hovercraft Mario, get a mushroom to turn it into a Pirahna plant and get a giant "Bullet Blob" in reserve 009E3380 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as hovercraft Mario, get a mushroom to put a flying key in reserve 009E3382 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as hovercraft Mario, get a fire flower to put an invisibility flower in reserve, or a mushroom to turn invincible and get a football Koopa in reserve 009E3383 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as hovercraft Mario, get a fire flower to put a magic squished dinosaur in reserve which will let you clear the round instantly if collected 009E3388 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as Sub-Zero Mario, get a fire flower or mushroom to put a 1up mushroom in reserve, use that or any other 1up mushroom to put a Yoshi in reserve 009E3389 009E34EA 009E3585 Start as Mario with a strange walk, get a mushroom for Yoshi's thank-you message 009E33A5 009E34EA 009E3585 Mario drives without benefit of a car

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