Secret of Mana
Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets
Conquering SNES Games
00A9A340 Makes every treasure from a Tsunami a Doom Trap
00B5CD22 Talking to the air
00B88BFF The character you play can't use his weapon normally
00C88BFF Every thing is mixed up
00D6650C Music Code
00DC43CC Scrolling when moving up doesn't happen. This adds a
new challenge to the game for those who think they know everything about the
game, let's see you navigate through this one
00E56D0A Things disappear and reappear
00E5ED0A Every one is the hero, even treasure chests
00E5ED0F Flash as different things nearby (random)
00E5ED1F All chars are invisible heros
00E5ED9A Turn into different things in different places
00E5ED9C Shadows with weapons
00E5EDA9 Switch from invisible to things nearby (random)
00E5EDB9 Just shadows and weapons
00E5F8F0 Makes the characters look like they are dancing strangely as they walk.
00E5F8F4 Nothing but shadows show for players, enemies
00FE2CC6 Start a new game with all the weapons except the sword
0196A277 Messed up princess
0196E2BB Screen gets progressively worse as you mave around
01D65245 Erases whatever character attacks with a hand weapon from the game
completely. They just vanish and you have one less party member.
01D65295 Earthquake code
01D652AA Sword won't work
01D6A277 Teleport at random, same with enemys
01E64200 Hero's face blinks
01E642AA Hero's face is weird
01E65200 Girl's face blinks
01E652AA Girl's face is weird
01E66200 Sprite's face blinks
01E662AA Sprite's face is weird
01E68200 Characters and baddies are completely invisible
01E692E8 Characters have no face
01E6A2E7 Cloudy day-scenery is dimmed
01E6A2E8 Call Flammie without drum!!!!!!
09FEECB2 Makes you invincable
158BF668 Gain a level after you destroy a guy.
16DEFA91 Gain a level after defeating enemy
16DEFA9B Gain a level after desroying a guy.
1889A7F3 Gain levels
1A87F568 Gain a level after you destroy a guy.
28A0FDA4 Start new game at Level 16
34907744 Talking to the air
3F87301F Hero will automatically do his highest attack without charging up
6DA6846D Always get a treasure cheat
7ECC6CBF Maximum Money
7EE38663 Locks Girl's MP at 99
80C35944 Start new game at Level 16
BEE3C3FF Different tune of overworld music
C0C0BEBD Protection from most hits
C0C0CE80 To use this code you go fight an enemy and hit him once. The game
will freeze and you will hea the sound that you hear when you go up levels. Let this
go on for a while then turn the effects off. Then the game will unfreeze and you will
be up many levels. You can do this more than once. This code not only raises your
overall level but once on level 99 turn off the effects, turn them back on, hit an enemy
and your weapon level will go up! Also turn on the effects and hit the enemy, wait for
a while, and turn the effects off and on again and they will die! As the bosses get
stronger you will have to wait longer.
C0C0CEBD Start with the effects on and hit an enemy. He will keep on losing the same
amount of power as he lost when you hit him the first time.
C0C0CED0 Similar to my level up code but weapon levels go up.
C0C0DEFD Start out with the effects off and wait untill you run low on MP. Then
turn the effects on and everyone will gain 99 HP .
C0C28A80 (Part 1 of 2) Always get a treasure chest after defeating an enemy.
C0C28B01 (Part 2 of 2) Always get a treasure chest after defeating an enemy.
C0C3597F Weapon Skill increases very quickly.
C0C800BD Prologue:
C0CE5D81 Start new game at Level 16
C0CE5D8F After one enemy is destroyed raise to level 53
C0CE5DF1 Enemies are scared of you, they may take damage
C0D7B3FF Start new game with 255 GP
C0D7B480 Start new game with 32,768 GP
C0D7B4FF Start new game with 65,280 GP
C0FD1EAF Items in the shop at Potos are free if you have enough money
C0FD1EFF All item shops are free. (Neko is not free)
C3E0ADE8 Walk through walls
C8E724B9 Infinite magic points (Includes monsters).
C9CF9D00 Staying at Neko's costs nothing instead of 30
CA8E9FFF Chest in elder's basement in Potos gives you 65360 GP
CA8EAFFE Get the chest in the elder's basement over and over again
CDA9F2A4 Start new game at Level 16
D0C2895A Rraises the HP of level 16 to 235.
D0C289AF Raises the HP of level 16 to 995.
D0C28B5A Strength for level 16 is 90
D0C28C5A Agility for level 16 is 90
D0C28D5A Constitution for level 16 is 90
D0C28E5A Intelligence for level 16 is 90
D0C28F5A Wisdom for level 16 is 90
D0CDED7F Magic Skill increases very quickly.
D8FB9400 The super expensive armor at the gold city and neko's at lost
continent is either very cheap or 0.
D8FB9C00 Candy costs nothing
D8FB9E00 Chocolate costs nothing
D8FBA000 Royal jam costs nothing
D8FBA400 Medical herb costs nothing
D8FBA600 Cup of wishes costs nothing
D8FBB600 Bandanna costs nothing
D8FBB800 Hair ribbon costs nothing
D8FBBA00 Rabite cap costs nothing
D8FBE000 Overalls costs nothing
D8FC3000 Wristband costs nothing
E88F4800 All things at Neko's are free
C0BA33AD Staying at the inn in Potos is free if you have enough money
008A9C00 Start new game at Level 16
008B5E00 Talking to the air
A91B0510 Strike an enemy and go up a level
C0C0BFBD Can't be hurt by hits or magic. Also, 95% of enemies are 1 hit, even bosses!
C0C0CEBD Infinite enery, power ups quickly, one hit wonder
D8FBA300 Faerie walnut costs nothing