Secret of Evermore
Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets
Conquering SNES Games
0DB60D80 Hero gains more experience points
1EED743B Boy gain a level after killing a enemy
72918ADC Boy starts with 99 of all alchemy ingredients
77CA8B35 It makes 2 players to play (Caution graphics may mess up)
7E230063 Get 99 water
7E230163 Get 99 Vinegar
7E230263 99 root
7E230300 99 oil
7E232801 Start game with Virtual Vest
8DB60D77 Greyhound gains level after one battle
8DB60D80 Dog levels up after battle
8DB60D83 Dog levels up after one kill
8DB66D0F Boy levels up after enemy killing an enemy. The boy gains a level
after every enemy killed, but this code works only once so you have to Save and
Reset you game over to do the trick again...
8DB707EE Get almost everything! You get all the weapons plus almost all the
Alchemy spells.
8DC60D80 Dog levels up after battle. (Works up to level 77)
8FAE7070 Walk Thru Walls
8FBA6FB4 Potection from most enemies but not magic.
BEB3B987 Unlimited use of ingredients
CECCDEB5 Une hit the enemy dies
F0BF5301 Boy and Dog start on level 99
F0BF7301 Boy and Dog start on level 99
F0BFB301 Dog starts on level 99
FCBFB301 Boy starts with 99 of all alchemy formulas
00B00019 Get all weapons, 35 magics(33 in book), and all of the charms/rare items.
07F0E8A3 Potection from most enemies but not magic.