Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt
Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets
Conquering SNES Games
00F00900 Start with 4 lives
00F00909 Start with 16 lives
00F00930 Start with 64 lives
00F00E00 Start with 1 heart
00F00E01 Start with 2 hearts
00F00E04 Start with 5 hearts (can only see the last 3 on screen, don't change
hearts on options screen)
809D8700 Infinite lives
809E4E00 Get 0 lives for each 100 dollars and 1-Up
809E4E02 Get 2 lives for each 100 dollars and 1-Up
80A05E05 Each dollar worth 5
80A05E25 Each dollar worth 25
80A0AAEA Don't lose hearts
80A0ABA5 Infinite hearts
80A0B008 Shorter invulnerability time after being hit
80A0B07F Longer invulnerability time after being hit
80CB7D05 Jump a little higher
80CB7D07 Jump higher
80CB7D09 Jump really high
80F06990 Pugsley walks faster