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Pocky and Rocky

Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets Conquering SNES Games

008BDC01     1 life--Pocky 
008BDC06     6 lives--Pocky 
008BDC09     9 lives--Pocky 
008BDD01     1 life--Rocky 
008BDD06     6 lives--Rocky 
008BDD09     9 lives--Rocky 
00D404A9     Stop timer 
01807401     Freezes background and some enemies 
018075A0     Walk through walls 
01C3C209     9 lives stolen from Rocky 
01CF3200     Infinite lives--Pocky
01E4C209     9 lives stolen from Pocky
01E97E00     Infinite lives--Rocky
04EA0B01     Red ball acts as blue ball--Pocky 
04EA1402     Blue ball acts as red ball--Pocky 
04EBD824     Weapons don't deplete when hit-- Pocky 
04EBEDA5     Infinite energy--Pocky 
04EE8E01     Red ball acts as blue ball--Rocky
04EE9702     Blue ball acts as red ball--Rocky 
04EFE424     Weapons don't deplete when  hit-- Pocky 
04EFFDA5     Infinite energy--Rocky

Tips and codes - Game Endings - Java Games - Reviews - Fun Stuff