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Paladins Quest

Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets Conquering SNES Games

0188E906     Spell power increases at 3x normal rate. 
018E1903     Get 6,553 exp. per battle. 
019E7964     Infinite energy. 
01B3F564     Spells use up no HP. 
07EDCA9C     No money needed in learning centre. 
08F2C377     Chezni starts with cosmo helmet. 
08F2C475     Chezni starts with Rft shield. 
08F2C530     Chezni starts with a wind sword. 
08F2C572     Chezni starts with Psych Beam 
08F2C631     Chezni starts with a storm armor. 
08F2C71B     Chezni starts with long boots. 
08F68FFF     Chezni starts with 255 present H.P. 
08F691FF     Chezni starts with 255 max. H.P. 
08F692FF     Chezni starts with 5400 hit points. 
08F69328     Chezni starts with 40 Power, 42 Attack. 
08F6933C     Chezni starts with 60 Power, 62 Attack. 
08F694CF     Chezni starts with 007 power (equivalent of 1007). 
08F6953C     Chezni starts with 60 Speed 
08F696CF     Chezni starts with 997 speed and 997 attack speed. 
08F6973C     Chezni starts with 72 Defense, 60 Endurance. 
0DBABA9C     No money needed in toolhouse and weapon.
C1ECDEC2     Get Good items after Battles

7E15FCFF     Over 65,000 experience points a battle for the character leading the group.

7E1622FF     Over 65,000 experience points for the second character

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