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Operation Logic Bomb
Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets Conquering SNES Games 03ED4E01 Unlimited weapons 80992401 1 continue 80992406 6 continues 80992409 9 continues 80AA8DEE Take minimal damage 819070AD Infinite energy 8194D860 Reflecting laser fire travels longer 8194D8FF Reflecting laser fire travels a lot longer 8098F020 80990203 80990424 Start game with tracking missiles 8098F020 80990204 80990424 Start game with reflecting laser 8098F020 80990205 80990424 Start game with flame thrower 80991401 8099189C 80991B9C Start game with hologram weapon 80991402 8099189C 80991B9C Start game with directional mines 8191CD02 8191D5FD Faster left-to-right movement 8191E702 819207FD Faster up-and-down movement