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Mortal Kombat

Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets Conquering SNES Games

Sent in by Jaguar 7E04B9AA Infinite Health! On the lifebar, its shows some losing health, but you really dont get hit. (Always flawless victory).
7E197204 Allows player 1 to play as reptile 80816801 Start on Match 2 80816802 Start on Match 3 80816803 Start on Match 4 80816804 Start on Match 5 80816805 Start on Match 6 80816806 Start on Mirror Match 80816807 Start on Endurance 1 match 80816808 Start on Endurance 2 match 80816809 Start on Endurance 3 match 8081680A Start on match with Goro 8081680B Start on match with Shang Tsung 808B8102 Each round is 199 seconds (time counts down twice) 8084CF00 Always fight in the the Courtyard 80905378 All throws do more damage 8095DFA5 Infinite Time 8097AD00 First strike of any kind wins round 80991700 All strikes do minimal damage (all equal to 1 hit point)--2-Player game only 809FB280 Alwys get flawless victory bonus 80D16A82 As Cage Tap back to Start round over 80D16A84 As cage tap back andreturn to choose yourwarrior screen 80D16A8A As Cage Tap Back And he looks at you (Screen may Freeze) 80D16A8F As cage go close and tap back and he'll kiss enemy! 80D16AB1 As cage tap back and you'll do a foot sweep 80D16AB8 As Cage go close to enemy and tap back and strange things happen 80D16ABB As cage tap back and you'll spin in air until enemy hits you 80D16AC4 Pick Cage and during fight keep tapping back to have him fight for you. 80D16AC9 As Cage hold back to cause opponent slo-mo 80D16ACC As Cage, during a fight tap back. He will either yell likeSonya or teleport like Scorpion. If he teleports hold theopposite way before he hits to keep doing it. 80D16ACE As cage Tap back andYou'll Get a game over 80D16AD1 As Cage, get right beside opponent and tap back to perform Kang's fatality. 80D16AD2 As Cage tap back to cause opponent to runaway and not attack 80D16AD7 As Cage Tap Back To Tele-port 80D16AD9 As Cage Tap Back To throw The Green Flame. 80D16ADF As Cage Tap Back And causeEnemy to act Like hegot hit 80D3CCC1 Do Kang's flying kick and random things happen 80DD4F78 Sonya Blade's Leg Grab does more damage 83EC6031 Both Players are invisible. 9897C4A9 On 1st round fight Shang Tsung. Can perfom a fatality and then see your ending 9897C5A9 Fight as Goro 98B4600B Can make player 1 nearly invincible in 2- player game 98D6CF3C Sonya Blade's Foot Sweep does more damage 98D6D866 Sonya Blade's Roundhouse Kick does more damage 98D6DB4B Sonya Blade's Sonic Rings does more damage--Only at close distance 98D6E154 Sonya Blade's High Kick does more damage 98D6EA51 Sonya Blade's Low Kick does more damage 98D6F33C Sonya Blade's Head Blow does more damage 98D6FC48 Sonya Blade's Knee does more damage 98D70E3C Sonya Blade's Crouched Kick does more damage 98D7171E Sonya Blade's High Punch does more damage 98D7201E Sonya Blade's Low Punch does more damage 98D72978 Sonya Blade's Uppercut does more damage 98D73B4B Sonya Blade's Flying Punch does more damage 98D76421 Cage's uppercut can hit from anywhere and worth 25 billon points and does little damage 98D76441 Cage's uppercut worth 2 millon and knocks them across the screen 98D76821 Cage's fireball worth 25 billon pioints when it hits 98D84A5A Johnny Cage's Shadow Kick does more damage 98D85C66 Johnny Cage's Split Punch does more damage 98D8654B Johnny Cage's Fireball does more damage-- Only at close distance 98D8804B Johnny Cage's Flying Punch does more damage 98D88960 Johnny Cage's Roundhouse Kick does more damage 98D89248 Johnny Cage's High Kick does more damage 98D89B42 Johnny Cage's Low Kick does more damage 98D8A41E Johnny Cage's High Punch does more damage 98D8AD1E Johnny Cage's Low Punch does more damage 98D8B63C Johnny Cage's Foot Sweep does more damage 98D8BF18 Johnny Cage's Crouched Kick does more damage 98D8C83C Johnny Cage's Head Blow does more damage 98D8D148 Johnny Cage's Knee does more damage 98D8DA78 Johnny Cage's Uppercut does more damage 98D92A4B Kano's Knife does more damage--Only at close distance 98D93C60 Kano's Roundhouse Kick does more damage 98D9451E Kano's High Punch does more damage 98D94E1E Kano's Low Punch does more damage 98D95748 Kano's Knee does more damage 98D96048 Kano's Head Blow does more damage 98D9723C Kano's Foot Sweep does more damage 98D97B78 Kano's Uppercut does more damage 98D9843C Kano's Crouched Kick does more damage 98D98D48 Kano's High Kick does more damage 98D99648 Kano's Low Kick does more damage 98D9A84B Kano's Flying Punch does more damage 98D9DD5A Rayden's Flying Thunderbolt does more damage 98D9E64B Rayden's Lightning does more damage--Only at close distance 98DA014B Rayden's Flying Punch does more damage 98DA0A5A Rayden's Roundhouse Kick does more damage 98DA1345 Rayden's High Kick does more damage 98DA1C42 Rayden's Low Kick does more damage 98DA251E Rayden's High Punch does more damage 98DA371E Rayden's Low Punch does more damage 98DA403C Rayden's Foot Sweep does more damage 98DA4918 Rayden's Crouched Kick does more damage 98DA523C Rayden's Head Blow does more damage 98DA5B48 Rayden's Knee does more damage 98DA6478 Rayden's Uppercut does more damage 98DAB65A Liu Kang's Special Flying Kick does more damage 98DABF3C Liu Kang's Head Blow does more damage 98DAC84B Liu Kang's Fireball does more damage--Only at close distance 98DADA60 Liu Kang's Roundhouse Kick does more damage 98DAE31E Liu Kang's High Punch does more damage 98DAEC1E Liu Kang's Low Punch does more damage 98DAF548 Liu Kang's Knee does more damage 98DB073C Liu Kang's Foot Sweep does more damage 98DB1078 Liu Kang's Uppercut does more damage 98DB193C Liu Kang's Crouched Kick does more damage 98DB2248 Liu Kang's High Kick does more damage 98DB2B48 Liu Kang's Low Kick does more damage 98DB3D4B Liu Kang's Flying Punch does more damage 98DB7827 Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Slide do more damage 98DB8A18 Scorpion's and Reptile's Harpoon do more damage 98DBA528 Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Deep Freeze do damage 98DBAE78 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Uppercut do more damage 98DBB71E Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's High Punch do more damage 98DBC01E Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Low Punch do more damage 98DBC948 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Knee do more damage 98DBD23C Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Head Blow do more damage 98DBE44B Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Flying Punch do more damage 98DBF648 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's High Kick do more damage 98DBFF48 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Low Kick do more damage 98DC083C Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Foot Sweep do more damage 98DC1160 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Roundhouse Kick do more damage 98DC1A18 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Crouched Kick do more damage 009C1F00 009C2100 009C2300 009C2500 009C2700 Turn white sweat into red blood 1C902090 Turn sweat red-blood code 5480D0D2 Backgrounds dont scroll 7E02C101 7E197204 Allows player 1 to be reptile 9897C4A9 9897C507 Almost always fight Goro-- Don't use Kano's or Johnny Cage's finishing move on Goro 8084CBA9 8084CC01 After 1st match, almost always fight at the Palace Gates 8084CBA9 8084CC02 After 1st match, almost always fight in the Warrior Shrine 8084CBA9 8084CC03 After 1st match, almost always fight in the Pit 8084CBA9 8084CC04 After 1st match, almost always fight in the Throne Room 8084CBA9 8084CC05 After 1st match, almost always fight in Goro's Lair 8084CBA9 8084CC06 After 1st match, almost always fight in the bottom of the pit (screen says Goro's Lair) 808B8011 808B8100 Each round is 10 seconds 808B8021 808B8100 Each round is 20 seconds 808B8031 808B8100 Each round is 30 seconds 808B8041 808B8100 Each round is 40 seconds 808B8051 808B8100 Each round is 50 seconds 808B8061 808B8100 Each round is 60 seconds 808B8071 808B8100 Each round is 70 seconds 808B8081 808B8100 Each round is 80 seconds 808B8091 808B8100 Each round is 90 seconds 9897C4A9 9897C500 Almost always fight Johnny Cage 9897C4A9 9897C501 Almost always fight Kano 9897C4A9 9897C502 Almost always fight Rayden 9897C4A9 9897C503 Almost always fight Liu Kang 9897C4A9 9897C504 Almost always fight Scorpion 9897C4A9 9897C505 Almost always fight Sub-Zero 9897C4A9 9897C506 Almost always fight Sonya Blade

Tips and codes - Game Endings - Java Games - Reviews - Fun Stuff