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Lufia Fortress of Doom

Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets Conquering SNES Games

00CABF57     Shopkeepers don't charge for purchases--some shops only 
0196B400     No HP lost when walking over swamp ground 
0196B404     More HP lost when walking over swamp ground 
01982920     Move around caves and world map quicker (except when leaving a 
vehicle--for example, the boat) 
01B45698     No enemies but you can't enter or exit towns or caves or towers. 
But just turn the effects off- then exit and turn it on again. 
01F5DA0D     Gain 6-digit experience and enemies leave Might Shield 
01F5DA47     Gain 6-digit experience and enemies leave Zirco Shield 
01F5DA71     Gain 6-digit experience and enemies on Doom Island leave Might Bow 
01F5DA7B     Enemies leave Might Armors 70% of time. 
01F5DA7D     Get high experience (varies) and enemies will leave Might
Helmets 70% of the time. 
01F5DA82     Gold Orcs leave might sowrds, others leaves different items of their 
ownat 70% rate. 
01F5DA85     Enemies leave different items. Efreets (Big Fire Monster) leave Might Bows 
08B91280     Immune to all petrifying effects (stone, poison, confused, etc.) 
08E987BD     Infinite hit points 
08E9C6BD     Infinite magic points in battle mode 
0AECE210     Higher max level of hit points from power potion 
0AED04FF     Increase 255-260 MP when using a Spell potion 
0AED4AFF     Increase 255-260 INT when using Mind Potion 
0AED6DFF     Gain 255-260 STR when using the Great potion 
F1FC6CCC     Gain level after each fight 
0AED0510     Higher max level of magic points from spell potion 
0AED2810     More agility points from speed potion 
0AED4B10     More intelligence points from mind potion 
0AED6E10     More strength points from great potion 
0AEDA101     Cheap smokeballs--1 gold each 
0AEF4D01     Cheap bombs--1 gold each 
F1FC6CCC     Gain a level after every fight. 
FDECFFFC     Enemies give 30,000 exp.

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