Final Fantasy 3
Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets
Conquering SNES Games
C0C2F60C Some bosses are at the velet.
C0C8340C Instant airship
C0CE2E00 Sprint Shoes
C0D04FFF Walk through walls anywhere in most houses, buildings, or whatever.
Doesn't work too good outside in a town.
C0F07E07 Leo and Kefka
C28F93FF Level 99 in 0ne battle
C28F9C14 No random encounters
C28F9C1C Hit twice
C28F9CCC Party hits twice
C28F9ECC All relics! Even cursed ones!
C28FA5CC Instant Sprint Shoes and Moggle Charm.
C28FB5CC Instant freeze and float.
C28FB60B Always have Haste, Float and Regen
C2D74400 Everyone has a hidden Economizer--In battle mode
C2DDE8CC Get gold
C2DF0CCC Get Illumina or Ragnarok after battle depending who you fight, plus
a lot of random items!
C2DF2CCC Give items
C2DF9ECC All relics equipped
C2DFA80A Conversion
C2E050FF Learn all spells of equipped Esper after one battle
C2E13BE4 Learn all spells after 1 battle
C2E53BE4 Learn all spells after 1 fight
C39DAEFF Equip items again and again in other words, infinite equipment
C39DB3EA Items could be used infinity
C3BBA564 All items are free
C3D13400 Hidden Economizers (outside of battle mode)
D8EB44F0 Tonics gives 240HP
D8EB9EF0 Tincture gives 240 MP
EDFCA0FF Terra starts with 276 HP
EDFCA21B Terra starts with menu item one changed.
EDFCA8FF Changes Terra's Stamina
EDFCAF06 Start Terra with Man-eater equipped
EDFCAF0E Start Terra with Blizzard equipped
EDFCAF13 Start Terra with Enhancer equipped
EDFCAF18 Start Terra with Excalibur equipped
EDFCAF1A Start Terra with Illumina equipped
EDFCAF2E Start Terra with Tempest equipped
EDFCB05C Start Terra with Mithril shield equipped
EDFCB05D Start Terra with Gold shield equipped
EDFCB060 Start Terra with Fire shield equipped
EDFCB061 Start Terra with Ice shield equipped
EDFCB16A Start Terra with Hairband equipped
EDFCB178 Start Terra with Red cap equipped
EDFCB179 Start Terra with Mystery veil equipped
EDFCB17A Start Terra with Circlet equipped
EDFCB288 Start Terra with Silk robe equipped
EDFCB289 Start Terra with Mithril vest equipped
EDFCB28B Start Terra with White dress equipped
EDFCB294 Start Terra with Force armor equipped
EDFCB29A Start Terra with Genji armor equipped
EDFCB3C2 Terra is equiped with cursed ring in relic one slot.
EDFCBF1A Terra is equiped with Illumina in weapon slot.
7E186AD3 Start with 255 Offering Relics
7E186AD3 Start with 255 Offering Relics
7E196963 Get 99 item in frist slot
7E1A6763 Any item placed in the final row will have 99. You can move it and
it will retain having 99.
C2DF2016 Get 99 of all items.
C2DF25CC Earn weapons
C2DF2D03 Items after battle
2097E160 K/R:34 HP for Terra
4FC827A0 All weapons equpied and Gogo, Terra in pary at level 99
8CDAEECC Have all wepons and all start at level 99 for Sabin, Terra and Gogo
EE001300 Everyone starts at level 99
7E1613EE Everyone starts at level 99
7E1616FF 1st command
7E161BA0 Speed
DE082300 Start with Moogle Charm equipped to Terra
7E1623DE Start with Moogle Charm equipped to Terra
D3006A00 Start with 255 Offering Relics
7E1A6CFF Adds all espers to your esper list.
FF007800 Sets 1st person's HP to multiples of 255. The way it works is this: If
the max HP of the first person is between 1 and 255, it will be 255. If it is 256 to
511, it will be 511. If it is 512 to 767, it will be 767, and so on. Last digits can be
changed for other 3 people... 7A, D5, F6 for #2, 7C, F5, F8 for #3, and 7E, 15, FA for #4.
7E2E7927 It gives you 9999 HP! Change the digits to 7A, 7B for #2, 7C, 7D for
#3, and 7E, 7F for #4.
7E3BF4FF Sets 1st person's HP to multiples of 255. The way it works is this: If
the max HP of the first person is between 1 and 255, it will be 255. If it is 256 to 511,
it will be 511. If it is 512 to 767, it will be 767, and so on. Last digits can be changed
for other 3 people... 7A, D5, F6 for #2, 7C, F5, F8 for #3, and 7E, 15, FA for #4.