Breath of Fire
Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets
Conquering SNES Games
01973E88 Raise to level 99 for Nina at first battle
44D084B6 New character with 255 strength xz
7E104E4D Infinite energy
7E104F01 Guarantees that char in first position always has between 256 and 511 HP
7E10EF01 Guarantees that char in second position always has between 256 and 511 HP
7E118F01 Guarantees that char in third position always has between 256 and 511 HP
7E122F01 Guarantees that char in fourth position always has between 256 and 511 HP
81961503 New character with 999 maximum Hit Points
81961E88 Start with millions of Exp Points; fully powered after 1st battle
81961E88 Start with millions of Exp points
81961E88 Raise to level 99 for hero at first battle
81961FFF New character with 255 strength
819620FF New character with 255 vigor
81962116 255 Speed
819621FF 255 Speed
819622FF New character with 255 agility
81964201 Start Bo's level at 1, for greater final stats
819644FF Start Bo's [present] HP at 255
819646FF Start Bo's max HP at 255
819648FF Start Bo's [present] AP at 255
81964AFF Start Bo's max AP at 255
81964FFF Start Bo's Str. at 255
819650FF Start Bo's Vigor at 255
819651FF Start Bo's Wisdom at 255
819652FF Start Bo's Agil. at 255
819654FF Start Bo's Luck at 255
81967201 Sets Nina's level to 1, for greater final stats
81967E88 Raise to level 99 for Nina at first battle
8196A201 Start Ox's Level at 1 for greater final stats
8196A4FF Start Ox's [present] HP at 255
8196A6FF Start Ox's max HP at 255
8196A8FF Start Ox's [present] AP at 255
8196AAFF Start Ox's max AP at 255
8196AE88 Start Ox's EXP at 9mil
8196AFFF Start Ox's Str. at 255
8196B0FF Start Ox's Vigor at 255
8196B1FF Start Ox's Wisdom at 255
8196B2FF Start Ox's Agil. at 255
8196B4FF Start Ox's Luck at 255
8196D201 Start Gobi's Level at 1 for greater final stats
8196D4FF Start Gobi's [present] HP at 255
8196D6FF Start Gobi's max HP at 255
8196D8FF Start Gobi's [present] AP at 255
8196DAFF Start Gobi's max AP at 255
8196DE88 Start Gobi's EXP at 9mil
8196DFFF Start Gobi's Str. at 255
8196E0FF Start Gobi's Vigor at 255
8196E1FF Start Gobi's Wisdom at 255
8196E2FF Start Gobi's Agil. at 255
8196E4FF Start Gobi's Luck at 255
81970201 Start Karn's Level at 1 for greater final stats
819704FF Start Karn's [present] HP at 255
819706FF Start Karn's max HP at 255
819708FF Start Karn's [present] AP at 255
81970AFF Start Karn's max AP at 255
81970E88 Start Karn's EXP to 9,000,000
81970FFF Start Karn's Str. at 255
819710FF Start Karn's Vigor at 255
819711FF Start Karn's Wisdom at 255
819712FF Start Karn's Agil. at 255
819714FF Start Karn's Luck at 255
81973201 Start Mogu's Level at 1 for greater final stats
819734FF Start Mogu's [present] HP at 255
819736FF Start Mogu's max HP at 255
819738FF Start Mogu's [present] AP at 255
81973AFF Start Mogu's max AP at 255
81973E88 Start Mogu's EXP at 9mil
81973FFF Start Mogu's Str. at 255
819740FF Start Mogu's Vigor at 255
819741FF Start Mogu's Wisdom at 255
819742FF Start Mogu's Agil. at 255
819744FF Start Mogu's Luck at 255
81976201 Start Bleu's Level at 1 for greater final stats
819764FF Start Bleu's [present] HP at 255
819766FF Start Bleu's max HP at 255
819768FF Start Bleu's [present] AP at 255
81976AFF Start Bleu's max AP at 255
81976EFF Start Bleu's EXP at 9mil
81976FFF Start Bleu's Str. at 255
819770FF Start Bleu's Vigor at 255
819771FF Start Bleu's Wisdom at 255
819772FF Start Bleu's Agil. at 255
819774FF Start Bleu's Luck at 255
83C2FA84 Invincible!