ActRaiser 2
Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets
Conquering SNES Games
009AEE00 All enemies take 1 hit to kill
009E45AD Protection from most enemies
00E4EE00 Infinite time
028C3A00 Infinite lives
028E77EA Infinite magic pts.
039ADCAD Protection from ground hazard
809AEE00 All enemies take 1 hit to kill
809E45AD Protection from most enemies
80AF3201 Small health power-ups add 1 instead of 2
80AF3204 Small health power-ups add 4
80AF3214 Small health power-ups heal completely
80AF3215 Small health power-ups add 15
80AF3702 Large health power-ups add 2 instead of 10
80AF3704 Large health power-ups add 5
80AF3714 Large health power-ups heal completely
80AF3715 Large health power-ups add 15
80AF4F03 Small magic power-up adds 3 instead of 1
80AF4F05 Small magic power-up adds 5
80AF4F09 Small magic power-up adds 9
80AF5402 Medium health power-ups add 2 instead of 5
80AF5408 Medium health power-ups add 8
80AF5414 Medium health power-ups heal completely
80AF5415 Medium health power-ups add 15
80AF5901 Large magic power-up adds 1 instead of 3
80AF5905 Large magic power-up adds 5
80AF5909 Large magic power-up adds 9
80E4EE00 Infinite time
81D83003 Start with 3 lives on Easy
81D83010 Start with 10 lives on Easy
81D83050 Start with 50 lives on Easy
81D83201 Start with 1 life on Normal
81D83205 Start with 5 lives on Normal
81D83210 Start with 10 lives on Normal
81D83250 Start with 50 lives on Normal
81D83401 Start with 1 life on Hard
81D83405 Start with 5 lives on Hard
81D83410 Start with 10 lives on Hard
81D83450 Start with 50 lives on Hard
828C3A00 Infinite lives
828E77EA Infinite magic pts. (must have 1 to cast)
82B1150A Start with 1/2 health
82B1150F Start with 3/4 health
82B11E01 Start with 1 magic pts. on Normal or Hard
82B11E05 Start with 5 magic pts. on Normal or Hard
82B11E07 Start with 7 magic pts. on Normal or Hard
82B11E09 Start with 9 magic pts. on Normal or Hard
82B12602 Start with 2 magic pts. on Easy
82B12607 Start with 7 magic pts. on Easy
82B12609 Start with 9 magic pts. on Easy
839ADCAD Protection from some ground hazards